Report Melaka Marathon
"You must complete the marathon within 4 hours!"
Said one of the marshals and everybody start shouting unsatisfied. Crazy! Do they ever run a marathon or saw runners run a marathon or never held a marathon run before?..
- Yaaa..yaa.. yaah we are Boston qualifier - no problem!
Melaka Marathon registration booth
All for Full
Lunch: Ikan pari bakar.
At Pantai Klebang
Tutuh durian melaka
Tutuh durian melaka lagi
Geliii... aku
Site Visit
This my second marathon after KLIM05, had no trainning, no long distance run > 21km since KLIM05, last training run was Seremban Half which mean a week i'm not running and i know i will be grill before reach finish line. Just heard inner voices of myself
Pacesetter group.. except me
There were less than a hundred runners for men & women category. The run start 5am. I was ready and line-up at starting line 5mins earlier, chit-chat with The Penguins, laughing and joking alot to kill those gremlins and stupid warning by marshal.
"BANG!".. huiiyooo.. start run dah..
1km-12km @ 1:13.47
Think, i ran too fast like running in 21km. The weather was not so good. It start raining a bit for first 5km but not heavily. Enjoy the scenery on bridge at Jln Syed Abdul Aziz. Meet-up with Tey and Penguin11. Me and Penguin11 were ran together until 22km distance marker. Really enjoy running around Bandar Hilir Melaka with small roads and old shop building on both side.
21km @ 1:53.14
Still maintain the pace and head to Air Keroh. We still ran together. Sometimes we having a chat to break the silent, until at one checkpoint i was asking one of the marshals
"What position i am?"
"Wuhooo.. damn fast hah!"
Reached halfway in less 2 hour. After a few km decide to slow my pace and let Penguin11 run in front. He try to encourage and push me to continue ran with him.
30km @ 3:12.38
After 26km my legs start mumbling, i had to start run-walk-run. More runners over-took me.. older, women, older, older, younger - duh!.
Able to run for 200 - 400 meter only then continue walk for 3-4mins. Slow run... walk. run walk. Then Tey coming.. run with him for 1km. After that he went missing. Walk..
Really suffer. Shoes getting hotter and socks getting wet. Had to stop walk, take-off shoes and squeeze the socks - geee.. Where is the water come from hah!. Spot 2 blisters, put some Sloan cream on legs hope i could continue run like horse. But it turns to be a turtle again.
Pass 30km distance marker.. fuh! another 12km to walk.
"Jangan berhenti!!"
So shock heard the voice.. Janggut was behind. Continue run with him for 400metre.. after that..cehh i need walks.
At this moment again i swear and said to my self.. never-ever do marathon any more. 2 is enough. Better focus on other sport disciplines.
Had to stop walk. Legs already cramp. Able to run for 100m - cramp.
Saw 1km distance marker - felt the longest 1km distance. It took me nearly 20mins to completed.
Inside the Stadium Tun Aminah. Had to run half of track before reach the finish line. Could hear a loud shouts, screaming and applause from school children and all runners.. feel like everybody kept looking at me. There were no nobody in-front and behind me... Give a hi5 to Mahathir, who ran with me at Seremban & KLIM.
"Keep going! You're running under 5 hour!!"
Heard a shout from somebody. - Thanks.. it helps
The encouragement given by the spectator really helps me to keep on running for another 200 meter to finish line. I never run on stadium track but that day, running alone on the track.. in-front of stadium podium, loud screaming and applause - peh!! Except, they not playing "Chariots of Fire" song.
Finished in 4:50.00 - 10mins late than KLIM05.
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TriStupe, at 1:33 pm
aharis, at 1:57 pm
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