Report: Mahidol Day Run 2012
Date: 09 September 2012 | Sunday | 7:00am (M'sia time)
Venue: Prince of Songkhla University, Hatyai
Distance: 10.5km. 52.53 = 26.24 + 26.28
Shoes: Nike LunarGlide +2
Hatyai again. My last visit was Hatyai International Marathon 2011 - running with kids. Went with Alex and 2 BM Leopard members. We hop on weekend van from BM to Hatyai with 5 other tourist. Cost us RM70 to/fro. Gumbira once reach the town because I got 2 missions.
The Lee Garden Plaza operated as usual after the explosion. But some outlets in upper levels still under renovation.
First mission - Hunt for Pegasus.
For past 3 weeks I search Nike Pegasus 28 on the net and shoes outlets at Penang, Sg Petani and Alor Star. But not avail any more - Obsoleted. Once check-in Mayflower hotel, Alex and me heading to shopping store at Novotel Hotel.
Fuh! P28 still available with various sizes. Price was 200baht cheaper than Pegasus 29. Without thinking twice I grab a pair. UK9.5 size, 0.5 larger from previous running shoes.
Second Mission - Food.
Then we went for lunch at favorite restaurant - Daicha Fried Chicken and back to hotel for a nap.
@3pm. Prince of Songkhla University - Registration.
There are a lot of reasons why I shiok running in Thailand.
Another reason I would like to hi-lite. Probably our local organizer could consider.
This time I ran without mp3. Focus on my pace. Hope to dip below 50mins. Weather was nice – cool and kabuih. Kampung scenery and cheer-up by locals while they're waiting with foods for monks blessing.
@Finish line.
Before back home, bought some souvenirs and layan tengok Miss Teen Thailand… fuh! comel-comel – rasa nak tidoq semalam lagi.
Lee Garden Plaza, busy as usual
Hatyai Nature Run 2012 t'shirt
Registration counter
Nice trophy
Coke unlimited
Not mine
Official t'shirt
Morning - race day
More Racun. @Phatthalung, if i'm not mistaken
Jalan2 pasar pagi.
Miss Teen Thailand
Venue: Prince of Songkhla University, Hatyai
Distance: 10.5km. 52.53 = 26.24 + 26.28
Shoes: Nike LunarGlide +2
Hatyai again. My last visit was Hatyai International Marathon 2011 - running with kids. Went with Alex and 2 BM Leopard members. We hop on weekend van from BM to Hatyai with 5 other tourist. Cost us RM70 to/fro. Gumbira once reach the town because I got 2 missions.
The Lee Garden Plaza operated as usual after the explosion. But some outlets in upper levels still under renovation.
First mission - Hunt for Pegasus.
For past 3 weeks I search Nike Pegasus 28 on the net and shoes outlets at Penang, Sg Petani and Alor Star. But not avail any more - Obsoleted. Once check-in Mayflower hotel, Alex and me heading to shopping store at Novotel Hotel.
Fuh! P28 still available with various sizes. Price was 200baht cheaper than Pegasus 29. Without thinking twice I grab a pair. UK9.5 size, 0.5 larger from previous running shoes.
Second Mission - Food.
Then we went for lunch at favorite restaurant - Daicha Fried Chicken and back to hotel for a nap.
@3pm. Prince of Songkhla University - Registration.
There are a lot of reasons why I shiok running in Thailand.
- 10k, half or full, they offer many categories - Different by 5yrs. Eg. 30~34, 35~39, 40~44. More chance for top spot.
- Cheaper registration fee - Mine was only 200baht or RM20
- Standardize of category and numbering on bib - So I know how many kakis registered under my category. Plus... the bib is breathable material.
- Nice t'shirt design - But sometimes they are too striking. Normally this type end as my baju tidoq. Frankly... the material quality is not that good. But compare with cheaper registration... fine to me. Usually I took small size for my kids
- A free flow of drinks - After registration, I stop at drinking booth. They served coke and mineral. With smile, friendly and talking in Thai, they pour me cups of coke. Minum sampai mengah. Refill my drinking bottle and i took a bottle of mineral
- Another booth, they display sample trophy, medal, brochure and pamphlet of next running event. There were 5~6 events. Written in Thai
- Also.. there were outlets selling sport stuff for running and cycling, such as short, vest, tight, glove, shoes, tee... macam-macam ada. But all of they are imitation. Ok la tuh... Kalau ori boleh tahan gak rega dia. Actually my running outfit from head to toe is more expensive than office attire. I bought 2 Adidas shorts cost me only 280baht
Another reason I would like to hi-lite. Probably our local organizer could consider.
- Registration counters still open on race day. No late fee
- From my average runner perspective, any event in Thailand, I never felt ran out-off steam during running or the water station run-out of drinking water. Moreover they served with fruit - watermelon. For this 10k event, 3 water-stations were setup. Cukop? Mengah...
- Route. Same like Hatyai Nature Run. Well controlled and monitored by police and committee.
- Enough distance marker on both side - 2/8, 4/6 and 5.
This time I ran without mp3. Focus on my pace. Hope to dip below 50mins. Weather was nice – cool and kabuih. Kampung scenery and cheer-up by locals while they're waiting with foods for monks blessing.
@Finish line.
- Water booth served hot and cold drinks. Such as soy (brown and white sugar), coke, plain water, nescafe... Short queue. Because they open many counters.
- Meal.. rice porridge and goreng2 stuff.
- Medal, cukop cantek. Although it's 10km, boleh kata level kampung event... but medal design, shape, and the detail cukop menarik. Green+orange color and gold as background. Alot different compare to our local+international level event medal - same color and almost same shape
Before back home, bought some souvenirs and layan tengok Miss Teen Thailand… fuh! comel-comel – rasa nak tidoq semalam lagi.

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