Yassin and Raya Open Houses 2012
On Friday (Merdeka day), a day before SP Half Marathon. My 2 neighbours and me organised a join-venture Raya Open House for taman and friends.
Each of us cooked own menu and share cost of kenduri equipment rental. Before makan2, a group of muslimat read a yassin to all Taman's students hoping they excel in their exam including Alauddin. Today is his last day for UPSR paper - Science and English. Good Luck!

My neighbours and also pengasuh

My orangtua

Hazman and the gang from KL. Carbo loading for SP Half Marathon
Each of us cooked own menu and share cost of kenduri equipment rental. Before makan2, a group of muslimat read a yassin to all Taman's students hoping they excel in their exam including Alauddin. Today is his last day for UPSR paper - Science and English. Good Luck!

My neighbours and also pengasuh

My orangtua

Hazman and the gang from KL. Carbo loading for SP Half Marathon
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