Report Larian Mini Maraton HPPNK
Accidentally I registered/run this run event. I had no plan but suddenly one of branches office needs my support urgently. Just put/plan my visit date and realized that there will be a run event on Saturday in front of my company panel hotel - Oh! canteeek...

Reporting booths

Starting line early morning

Reporting booth in front of Quality Hotel, which i stayed
For 10km distance, less than 100 runners registered. Usually a 10km event with cash prize, normally it will be overwhelming. YuFang and Ramakrishan also here.. - Kacang putih to them

Dataran Shah Alam

Dataran Shah Alam

Family pic with anak buah

With kids
Chen was counting number of elite runners to know his chance for medal.. and i asked him to exclude my name from his list. Just want to have fun and experience running route in for Shah Alam 10km on next month Sept 25th.

Warm-up Mr. Chen, he got 11th

After flag off, Chen already gone. I don't know whether I’m too slow or he run on normal pace... For first 3km i ran in crowded/group. After that, push a bit - hate it seeing same faces in the group.
Backstabber... - Pundek ko! how your ugly face flash on my mind.. next!
Office building - Ceh! after this.. work, work and worrrk and driving home
Ehhh! two girls were watching me - Speed abit and control. :)
Marshal - Thought to ask my running position... haaah no use. Stopwatch also.. don't want to see.
Mark next rival - Huh! too far 100-150meter
Weather - Good! Could see a dark clouds sign to rain but not with slow/cold blowing wind.
??.. alone and free
Then at roundabout 2km to finish line, an old (60-50yr) indian man in 7km category overtook me! - Wake-up Haris!
The real running pace start...
He left me about 80 meter.
Press my turbo - until tercungap-cungap for air
Ayeq idung meleleh - Jangan cerita laa..
Cough a few times for water re-fill.
Able to chase him But finally.. gave him a chance laa.. to feel pride for potong young runner - Betoi kaa..

- Chasing the indian old man (red vest). He overtook and tailed him from 8km.. damn fast! but he was 7km category. - Saja.. cari motivasi

A few meter to finish line. Called Alauddin, to run with me..

Errkk water? Yiippiee!! i got 15th and renew PB
At finish line..
..Huh haih huh haaihhh
"Nama apa?"
..Huh haih huh haaihhh
"Abdul..." Huh haih huh haaihhh
..Huh haih huh haaihhh "Haris"
- Got a coupon indicated Category C - 15th
My stopwatch showed 45.57.90 - a 10km Personal Best. 30sec faster than Lumut Dualthlon.

Behind the finish line

Budak milo.

The Finish Line

Running to finish line.


The Finish Line

Oh.. taik ko, backstabber!
My name is back in promotion list. – Ha haaah.. I got the evidence here.. loser!.
Reporting booths
Starting line early morning
Reporting booth in front of Quality Hotel, which i stayed
For 10km distance, less than 100 runners registered. Usually a 10km event with cash prize, normally it will be overwhelming. YuFang and Ramakrishan also here.. - Kacang putih to them
Dataran Shah Alam
Dataran Shah Alam
Family pic with anak buah
With kids
Chen was counting number of elite runners to know his chance for medal.. and i asked him to exclude my name from his list. Just want to have fun and experience running route in for Shah Alam 10km on next month Sept 25th.
Warm-up Mr. Chen, he got 11th
After flag off, Chen already gone. I don't know whether I’m too slow or he run on normal pace... For first 3km i ran in crowded/group. After that, push a bit - hate it seeing same faces in the group.
Backstabber... - Pundek ko! how your ugly face flash on my mind.. next!
Office building - Ceh! after this.. work, work and worrrk and driving home
Ehhh! two girls were watching me - Speed abit and control. :)
Marshal - Thought to ask my running position... haaah no use. Stopwatch also.. don't want to see.
Mark next rival - Huh! too far 100-150meter
Weather - Good! Could see a dark clouds sign to rain but not with slow/cold blowing wind.
??.. alone and free
Then at roundabout 2km to finish line, an old (60-50yr) indian man in 7km category overtook me! - Wake-up Haris!
The real running pace start...
He left me about 80 meter.
Press my turbo - until tercungap-cungap for air
Ayeq idung meleleh - Jangan cerita laa..
Cough a few times for water re-fill.
Able to chase him But finally.. gave him a chance laa.. to feel pride for potong young runner - Betoi kaa..
- Chasing the indian old man (red vest). He overtook and tailed him from 8km.. damn fast! but he was 7km category. - Saja.. cari motivasi
A few meter to finish line. Called Alauddin, to run with me..
Errkk water? Yiippiee!! i got 15th and renew PB
At finish line..
..Huh haih huh haaihhh
"Nama apa?"
..Huh haih huh haaihhh
"Abdul..." Huh haih huh haaihhh
..Huh haih huh haaihhh "Haris"
- Got a coupon indicated Category C - 15th
My stopwatch showed 45.57.90 - a 10km Personal Best. 30sec faster than Lumut Dualthlon.
Behind the finish line
Budak milo.
The Finish Line
Running to finish line.
The Finish Line
Oh.. taik ko, backstabber!
My name is back in promotion list. – Ha haaah.. I got the evidence here.. loser!.
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Congratulations on yr PR. Medal looks very nice.
krunner, at 10:07 am
Triiimaaa kaseeeyy..
Medal tu.. nasib baik ajer tu.. buatnya semua PM geng turun.. telan ayeq lioq laaa..
aharis, at 5:26 pm
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