Got new digital camera
Tuesday 5/10: Came to office with flu + fever, got a few stuffs to settle down. Took 1/2 day leave after lunch and went to clinic at Sungai Petani. Got 2 missions to go to town, register my Ayah and mom for Larian Perbandaran on this coming Saturday and search for digital camera.
The last date for registeration is yesterday but i know they still extend the date. Registered Ayah in Men Veteran and my mom in Women Open. Looking at number of Men Veteran registered only 75 and for Women Open 43. So, it still low participation in this event. As i registered on last saturday my number is 30. Maybe last minute punya entry will be more runners.
@Central Square
Can't tahan oredi, went to run event without camera... feel like all the sweet glory of crossing the finish line, grab the medal and broke the PR... had gone into my memory only. With photos, it's paint a thousand word. I'm looking for digital Nikon Coolpix 3200 which i had did case study of features & price comparison in 3 month ago.
Before, i got film base camera model Olympus: µ[mju:]II (in black case) bought in 2000. Most of photos framed in my living room taken from this compact camera. The picture quality is good and sometimes i'm really impressive with pictures. The most memorable pictures taken from this camera was my first runing event in IPBR2003.
Another camera i got was Kodak DC3200, a 1 Megapixel digital. Borrowed from my wife's school club. Not a good camera, the pictures turn into blue shade. Suck alot of batteries power. 2 Alkaline batteries can last about less a month. My Larian Menara & IIR04 photos were taken by this camera.
Anyway both cameras had gone already... my house kena pecah twice in month (Jun & July). The Olympus camera was repaired and pick-up a week before stolen. So what to do, tarak rezeki.
Nikon Coolpix 3200, It's a good camera for out-door photos, 3.2Megapixel, 3x optical zoom, got 16 programmed shooting modes, can record VGA quality video, able to snap at close-up and the most what i'm looking for, it used 2 AA alkaline batteries. So if the power getting low... the Energizer battery guy can fly and replace while camera in action on the road.
The last date for registeration is yesterday but i know they still extend the date. Registered Ayah in Men Veteran and my mom in Women Open. Looking at number of Men Veteran registered only 75 and for Women Open 43. So, it still low participation in this event. As i registered on last saturday my number is 30. Maybe last minute punya entry will be more runners.
@Central Square
Can't tahan oredi, went to run event without camera... feel like all the sweet glory of crossing the finish line, grab the medal and broke the PR... had gone into my memory only. With photos, it's paint a thousand word. I'm looking for digital Nikon Coolpix 3200 which i had did case study of features & price comparison in 3 month ago.

Anyway both cameras had gone already... my house kena pecah twice in month (Jun & July). The Olympus camera was repaired and pick-up a week before stolen. So what to do, tarak rezeki.

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