Mount Kinabalu
..continue from A week @ Kota Kinabalu.
Monday 5 June 12-1pm @Kinabalu Park (KP)
After berak kapoq afew minutes.. return to Climbing registration counter.
"Is it possible that i could climb tomorrow or next day or 3rd day?"
"If got cancellation.."
"Everyday got cancellation ka?"
"Yap! But school holiday like this.. maybe yes.. maybe no cancellation at all. How many?"
"Only me"
"I'll put your name in waiting list.. Will call you once got cancellation"
"So far.. how many names in waiting list?"
Write down my particulars + hp# and return to KK. Need to standby at KK for 3 days, doing nothing... just hoping and waiting - i hate WAITING!.
Was thinking... the cancellation must done 2-3hours before climbing. Wait for the call (itu pun kalau depa ingat nama dalam waiting list), then drive from KK to Kundasang which took about 2+hour.. dengan jalan bengkang-bengkok macam jalan ke Grik. Drive ligan masa - Tak boleh jadik ni.
@KK - night
Went shopping for food and drink for 2 days. Standby. Decide to stay at Kundasang and wait my name to be call. Tak la.. kalut sangat.

Tuesday 6 June. @5:30am
Drove to Kundasang alone. My ipar lead until Tuaran and he turn back to KK. 7:45am reach KP. Still early. Got a few climbers. They need to register, pay fee, introduce their mountain guide (MG) or potter. The climbing start at 9am - 11am.
Melangut aku depan KP.. dgn muka sekupang. Hoping for cancellation news. Thinks... muka aku betul2 famous that morning... semua KP staffs kenal aku, especially at registration counter.

1/2hour later - one of girls @ counter... kelui aku! - Alhamduliah.. ada kosong!! Got a group of 5 from travel agent, 1 cancel. - Gumbira!
I don't care about the fee or charges... aku cuma nampak Gunung saja. Within split second.. semua get ready sekali dengan MG. While doing final check on my beg, realised.. nearly RM250 was paid for this (Entrance fee + Climbing permit + Guidance fee. + Taxi fare + Cancellation/booking fee to travel agent) - Rasa macam bagi RM 2.50 saja.
My group - me and MG!
The Route
From the map.. got 2 trail routes. Timpohon and Mesilau. Most of the climbers start at Timpohon Gate. Located inside KP. Mesilau... at Kundasang (tak ramai orang start kat sana). Need to rent a cab, pay extra taxi fare. Extra 1.5km compare to Timpohon route. Both routes will joint at Layang-Layang Staff Quarters and continue climbing up to Laban Rata which is another 1.5km more.
You can start from Mesilau and end at Timpohon Gate. Merasa semua laluan.
Asking my Mountain Guidance..
"Apa kelebihan mula dari Mesilau?"
"Jauh.. 2km"
"Ya laa... aku tahu.. apa yang menarik sana?"
"Pemandangan dan air terjun.."
Return to Registration Counter.. and change my starting line. Paid extra cab fare.
I was luckily getting know my MG.
Name: Matius Gohinmin.
- Bujang. Early 20s. Yang menariknya..
- He was Climbathon finisher 3 years ago. He did in 3h33mins. Top20.
- Ternganga aku for awhile... I should korek more tips + advise from him.
@9:30am. To Mesilau, Tambang Gate.
Stop at Kundasang. Matius bought lunch meal. Mesilau route took extra 1h-1h30mins from Timpohon but depend on my kaki, he said. Half-way need to stop for a lunch.
"Kamu beli nasi macam kamu untuk saya.. boleh?"
Walked back to the stall.

The lunch was... nasi beras bukit (dibungkus guna daun... apa-tah-aku-lupa-matius-ada-bagitau-aku) + sayur campur goreng (ikan masin + kacang buncis + kobis + tah-apa2-lagi).
Proceed to Mesilau.
Passing Golf resort tertinggi di Asia. Sungai. Ladang2 sayur. Bangunan sekolah agama. Pemandangan - Huh! Digcam aku tak ada fish-eye lens or tripod to make panorama size punya photo laa...

Mesilau, Tambang Gate.
Start at 10:15am. >5.5km to reach/join Timpohon route. Like Matius said.. pemandangan dilaluan Mesilau lagi cantik compare to Timpohon... - I'm agree! After walk thru both routes.
- Mesilau route.. macam laluan denai hutan. Syok betul jalan+merangkak. But Timpohon... laluan dia dah modify.
To make it easy to step+climb. Mostly tanah dia.. dah ditarah untuk buat macam tangga.
- Mesilau route.. banyak air terjun. Titi gantung. tak ada traffic congested (orang tak ramai). Along the way till Timpohon route... bump only 2 groups. Both from KL.

Doing easy walk. Enjoy the scenery, the peaceful, the chilliness, taking photos, breathing fresh air... no hurry. Between me and Matius.. we talked alot of topics, family, working as MG and alots... but the main topic was his climbathon experience.

..enjoy the photos from Mesilau route.

Lunch at Pondok Lompoyou

The junction: Timpohon Route

Reach Laban Rata at 3:15pm.
Temperature was 10degrees C. Matius help me for room check-in. Room#10. Nobody in a room. Toilet was beside my room - Canteekk!.. Really need a shower dengan peluh + tanah. A bit shocked when walked-in into the toilet... Wah! so clean with hot water tap - good!. Finished shower. Walked out.. and saw sign on the door.
Room.. was shared with a local family of 3. Husband dia orang putih. Sempat la jugak main2 mata dengan daughter dia - Hahahaaaa... Anak pompuan dia degil sikit. Selalu pangkah pak dia.
Get changed. Pi pekena 3in1 nescafe @ Canteen verandah - Peh! sejuk. Tengok Gunung. Then lepak dekat depan Laban Rata.. tengok orang lain sampai.

Malam @ Canteen
- Dinner buffer RM30. Pikir 30-40kali.. tutuh pi laaa.. lapaq.
- Jumpa kawan baru. Dr + Wan Idris - from UiTM Perlis. The couples - heroin from KL, hero from local. Tuty - local heroin. A swimmer + a diver.
- Talk-talk-talk-talk until 8pm. Then balik bilik tidoq.
Sejuk nak mampus! can't sleep. Ulang pi toilet yang betul 3-4kali. Sesak nafas. Rasa nak pengsan kat dalam.
Sleep... only 2-3hour.
Wednesday. 7 June.
1:30am - Wake-up Tunggu nature-call. Makan powerbar+biscuit+plain water. Date with Matius to meet at Canteen 2:30am. Anak orang putih.. pangkah pak dia lagi.. - dia tak mau pakai sarung kepala. Ketegaq ujung dia.

Move-out! Most of climbers start early as 2:20am. Was dark. Those who never or plan to climb MK.. the temperature <10 degree celsius. Bawak baju tebal, flash-light/head-light and glove. Jari2 aku habis kebas.. terpaksa simpan dalam poket.
My running-spirit/dark-force still inside me. Nampak orang depan.. musti mau potong. It was really dark. Can see nothing. Only lights down below from Kundasang and other flash-lights. Keep on walking.. running abit while can.. just to warm-up. Potong sayur. Hahahaaa..
Reach Sayat-sayat - Check-point. 3:51am
OOooo ini ka Sayat-sayat.. Last station before continue to summit. Need to report/check name here before proceed. While most of climbers rest, urge Matius to continue. But he said too early. He afraid I'm freezing if reach Low's Peak and stay too long.
Continue walked after 20mins of rest. As said earlier, it was totally dark. Thanks to the rope (macam tali ikat kapal) which guide me along the way. Matius was far in-front and can't locate him. Even i shouted his name... no answer! - Cilakak. Betul ka aku jalan ni. There was nobody behind me as i could see.
Just keep-on walking with flash-light.. looking for rope as guidance. Hoping.. still got batteries until reach the summit (pakai batteries cap ayam). Passing 8km sign. Another 0.5km more.. could saw i light... nun tinggi diatas sana. Huh! Cilakak jauh lagi. Dah stop banyak kali dah.. rasa macam tak cukup oksigen.
5:17am The summit - Low's Peak
I did it. Spend >1hour enjoy the sun-rise. Took alot-lot of photos. Mostly gambar2 batu gunung. Matius ajak balik. Aku suruh dia pi dulu. Aku tak puas lagi. SD-card aku penuh. I know.. that why bring extra. - Cantik... can't describe the beauty up here... only photos will say and you should stand here someday to feel it - Keindahan ciptaan tuhan.

Passing Sayat-Sayat check point, notice.. there are TM phone booth - The highest public telephone.
@Laban Rata - Decending.
Thanks to Tuty for breakfast. Got changed. @9am both of us ready to decending.. waiting our MG.

For an hour walked + chatted with MG. Tuty sakit kaki - she slow down.
"Matius... kita lari. Boleh ka?"
"Tiada masalah.."
With beg and wrap tightly. Puuuuuffff... aku pecut turun gunung. Matius behind me. Then passing one young boy... mungkin dia syiok tengok aku + Matius dok lari... dia pun join lari belakang Matius. Lari-lari-lari. Focus my eye-balls on batu2 depan and locate mana nak pijak. Don't just step-on sembrono - Sure tergelincaq atau seliuh.

Mana climbers dok naik or turun, terkejut dengaq tapak kasut kitaorg... pok-pak-pok-pak.. Siap stop, kasi laluan.
Half-way. Stop. Tutuh ayeq. Waiting for Tuty + her MG.
Then walked down. La... lambat lagi dia.
"Matius.. aku mau lari ikut kamu"
With beg galas + plastik sampah kedua belah tangan (kutip dari pondok2) Puuuuuffff... dia pederas.
Hantu!! Macam lipas kudung daaa... turun pijak batu2.. macam gelonsoq. Aku terkemut2 dok cangak tempat nak pijak. Jauh dia tinggal aku... Try ligan dia. - tak nampak dah!
At the end he.. wait me at waterfall at Timpohon Gate.

Took us 2hours running + walking from Laban Rata to Timpohon Gate.
"Laju kamu.."
"Climbathon.. kamu mau datang?"
"Ya. Mungkin.."
"Kamu kena buat banyak lari/training bukit lagi.. dan jangan pakai kasut itu - tak bagus!"

...puashati, a week @Kota Kinabalu. Macam aku tengok the whole Sabah from Low's Peak.

p/s: Penat aku tulih report ni. Mata tengok TV (World-Cup). Hotak+jari dok kat notebook. Delay >1week. Happy Reading.
Monday 5 June 12-1pm @Kinabalu Park (KP)
After berak kapoq afew minutes.. return to Climbing registration counter.
"Is it possible that i could climb tomorrow or next day or 3rd day?"
"If got cancellation.."
"Everyday got cancellation ka?"
"Yap! But school holiday like this.. maybe yes.. maybe no cancellation at all. How many?"
"Only me"
"I'll put your name in waiting list.. Will call you once got cancellation"
"So far.. how many names in waiting list?"
Write down my particulars + hp# and return to KK. Need to standby at KK for 3 days, doing nothing... just hoping and waiting - i hate WAITING!.
Was thinking... the cancellation must done 2-3hours before climbing. Wait for the call (itu pun kalau depa ingat nama dalam waiting list), then drive from KK to Kundasang which took about 2+hour.. dengan jalan bengkang-bengkok macam jalan ke Grik. Drive ligan masa - Tak boleh jadik ni.
@KK - night
Went shopping for food and drink for 2 days. Standby. Decide to stay at Kundasang and wait my name to be call. Tak la.. kalut sangat.
Tuesday 6 June. @5:30am
Drove to Kundasang alone. My ipar lead until Tuaran and he turn back to KK. 7:45am reach KP. Still early. Got a few climbers. They need to register, pay fee, introduce their mountain guide (MG) or potter. The climbing start at 9am - 11am.
Melangut aku depan KP.. dgn muka sekupang. Hoping for cancellation news. Thinks... muka aku betul2 famous that morning... semua KP staffs kenal aku, especially at registration counter.
1/2hour later - one of girls @ counter... kelui aku! - Alhamduliah.. ada kosong!! Got a group of 5 from travel agent, 1 cancel. - Gumbira!
I don't care about the fee or charges... aku cuma nampak Gunung saja. Within split second.. semua get ready sekali dengan MG. While doing final check on my beg, realised.. nearly RM250 was paid for this (Entrance fee + Climbing permit + Guidance fee. + Taxi fare + Cancellation/booking fee to travel agent) - Rasa macam bagi RM 2.50 saja.
My group - me and MG!
The Route
From the map.. got 2 trail routes. Timpohon and Mesilau. Most of the climbers start at Timpohon Gate. Located inside KP. Mesilau... at Kundasang (tak ramai orang start kat sana). Need to rent a cab, pay extra taxi fare. Extra 1.5km compare to Timpohon route. Both routes will joint at Layang-Layang Staff Quarters and continue climbing up to Laban Rata which is another 1.5km more.
You can start from Mesilau and end at Timpohon Gate. Merasa semua laluan.
Asking my Mountain Guidance..
"Apa kelebihan mula dari Mesilau?"
"Jauh.. 2km"
"Ya laa... aku tahu.. apa yang menarik sana?"
"Pemandangan dan air terjun.."
Return to Registration Counter.. and change my starting line. Paid extra cab fare.
I was luckily getting know my MG.
Name: Matius Gohinmin.
- Bujang. Early 20s. Yang menariknya..
- He was Climbathon finisher 3 years ago. He did in 3h33mins. Top20.
- Ternganga aku for awhile... I should korek more tips + advise from him.
@9:30am. To Mesilau, Tambang Gate.
Stop at Kundasang. Matius bought lunch meal. Mesilau route took extra 1h-1h30mins from Timpohon but depend on my kaki, he said. Half-way need to stop for a lunch.
"Kamu beli nasi macam kamu untuk saya.. boleh?"
Walked back to the stall.
The lunch was... nasi beras bukit (dibungkus guna daun... apa-tah-aku-lupa-matius-ada-bagitau-aku) + sayur campur goreng (ikan masin + kacang buncis + kobis + tah-apa2-lagi).
Proceed to Mesilau.
Passing Golf resort tertinggi di Asia. Sungai. Ladang2 sayur. Bangunan sekolah agama. Pemandangan - Huh! Digcam aku tak ada fish-eye lens or tripod to make panorama size punya photo laa...
Mesilau, Tambang Gate.
Start at 10:15am. >5.5km to reach/join Timpohon route. Like Matius said.. pemandangan dilaluan Mesilau lagi cantik compare to Timpohon... - I'm agree! After walk thru both routes.
- Mesilau route.. macam laluan denai hutan. Syok betul jalan+merangkak. But Timpohon... laluan dia dah modify.
To make it easy to step+climb. Mostly tanah dia.. dah ditarah untuk buat macam tangga.
- Mesilau route.. banyak air terjun. Titi gantung. tak ada traffic congested (orang tak ramai). Along the way till Timpohon route... bump only 2 groups. Both from KL.
Doing easy walk. Enjoy the scenery, the peaceful, the chilliness, taking photos, breathing fresh air... no hurry. Between me and Matius.. we talked alot of topics, family, working as MG and alots... but the main topic was his climbathon experience.
..enjoy the photos from Mesilau route.
Lunch at Pondok Lompoyou
The junction: Timpohon Route
Reach Laban Rata at 3:15pm.
Temperature was 10degrees C. Matius help me for room check-in. Room#10. Nobody in a room. Toilet was beside my room - Canteekk!.. Really need a shower dengan peluh + tanah. A bit shocked when walked-in into the toilet... Wah! so clean with hot water tap - good!. Finished shower. Walked out.. and saw sign on the door.
Room.. was shared with a local family of 3. Husband dia orang putih. Sempat la jugak main2 mata dengan daughter dia - Hahahaaaa... Anak pompuan dia degil sikit. Selalu pangkah pak dia.
Get changed. Pi pekena 3in1 nescafe @ Canteen verandah - Peh! sejuk. Tengok Gunung. Then lepak dekat depan Laban Rata.. tengok orang lain sampai.
Malam @ Canteen
- Dinner buffer RM30. Pikir 30-40kali.. tutuh pi laaa.. lapaq.
- Jumpa kawan baru. Dr + Wan Idris - from UiTM Perlis. The couples - heroin from KL, hero from local. Tuty - local heroin. A swimmer + a diver.
- Talk-talk-talk-talk until 8pm. Then balik bilik tidoq.
Sejuk nak mampus! can't sleep. Ulang pi toilet yang betul 3-4kali. Sesak nafas. Rasa nak pengsan kat dalam.
Sleep... only 2-3hour.
Wednesday. 7 June.
1:30am - Wake-up Tunggu nature-call. Makan powerbar+biscuit+plain water. Date with Matius to meet at Canteen 2:30am. Anak orang putih.. pangkah pak dia lagi.. - dia tak mau pakai sarung kepala. Ketegaq ujung dia.
Move-out! Most of climbers start early as 2:20am. Was dark. Those who never or plan to climb MK.. the temperature <10 degree celsius. Bawak baju tebal, flash-light/head-light and glove. Jari2 aku habis kebas.. terpaksa simpan dalam poket.
My running-spirit/dark-force still inside me. Nampak orang depan.. musti mau potong. It was really dark. Can see nothing. Only lights down below from Kundasang and other flash-lights. Keep on walking.. running abit while can.. just to warm-up. Potong sayur. Hahahaaa..
Reach Sayat-sayat - Check-point. 3:51am
OOooo ini ka Sayat-sayat.. Last station before continue to summit. Need to report/check name here before proceed. While most of climbers rest, urge Matius to continue. But he said too early. He afraid I'm freezing if reach Low's Peak and stay too long.
Continue walked after 20mins of rest. As said earlier, it was totally dark. Thanks to the rope (macam tali ikat kapal) which guide me along the way. Matius was far in-front and can't locate him. Even i shouted his name... no answer! - Cilakak. Betul ka aku jalan ni. There was nobody behind me as i could see.
Just keep-on walking with flash-light.. looking for rope as guidance. Hoping.. still got batteries until reach the summit (pakai batteries cap ayam). Passing 8km sign. Another 0.5km more.. could saw i light... nun tinggi diatas sana. Huh! Cilakak jauh lagi. Dah stop banyak kali dah.. rasa macam tak cukup oksigen.
5:17am The summit - Low's Peak
I did it. Spend >1hour enjoy the sun-rise. Took alot-lot of photos. Mostly gambar2 batu gunung. Matius ajak balik. Aku suruh dia pi dulu. Aku tak puas lagi. SD-card aku penuh. I know.. that why bring extra. - Cantik... can't describe the beauty up here... only photos will say and you should stand here someday to feel it - Keindahan ciptaan tuhan.
Passing Sayat-Sayat check point, notice.. there are TM phone booth - The highest public telephone.
@Laban Rata - Decending.
Thanks to Tuty for breakfast. Got changed. @9am both of us ready to decending.. waiting our MG.
For an hour walked + chatted with MG. Tuty sakit kaki - she slow down.
"Matius... kita lari. Boleh ka?"
"Tiada masalah.."
With beg and wrap tightly. Puuuuuffff... aku pecut turun gunung. Matius behind me. Then passing one young boy... mungkin dia syiok tengok aku + Matius dok lari... dia pun join lari belakang Matius. Lari-lari-lari. Focus my eye-balls on batu2 depan and locate mana nak pijak. Don't just step-on sembrono - Sure tergelincaq atau seliuh.
Mana climbers dok naik or turun, terkejut dengaq tapak kasut kitaorg... pok-pak-pok-pak.. Siap stop, kasi laluan.
Half-way. Stop. Tutuh ayeq. Waiting for Tuty + her MG.
Then walked down. La... lambat lagi dia.
"Matius.. aku mau lari ikut kamu"
With beg galas + plastik sampah kedua belah tangan (kutip dari pondok2) Puuuuuffff... dia pederas.
Hantu!! Macam lipas kudung daaa... turun pijak batu2.. macam gelonsoq. Aku terkemut2 dok cangak tempat nak pijak. Jauh dia tinggal aku... Try ligan dia. - tak nampak dah!
At the end he.. wait me at waterfall at Timpohon Gate.
Took us 2hours running + walking from Laban Rata to Timpohon Gate.
"Laju kamu.."
"Climbathon.. kamu mau datang?"
"Ya. Mungkin.."
"Kamu kena buat banyak lari/training bukit lagi.. dan jangan pakai kasut itu - tak bagus!"
...puashati, a week @Kota Kinabalu. Macam aku tengok the whole Sabah from Low's Peak.
p/s: Penat aku tulih report ni. Mata tengok TV (World-Cup). Hotak+jari dok kat notebook. Delay >1week. Happy Reading.
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Wah ..ini post sama gua jeolous lah...taran tahan mau pergi end of sep lah...naik n climbathon.
Bang Haris..ready to race ya !!
Keipo, at 11:37 pm
kc: KC.. the Penguin? or somebody else.. Where r u now? So yr 2nd attempt for GK... hope u could reach to the summit. Age is not an obstacle for u... go and conquer!!
Tey: Heheee.. just to warm you heheeee..
aharis, at 12:32 am
WOw! Bestnyer dapat panjat gunung. I miss KK...
RunWitMe, at 1:48 pm
jeket putih HP yg dipakai tu seperti pernah kulihat saja... tapi di mana ya??? :)
Anonymous, at 5:58 pm
Runwitme: Jom pi lagi.. i miss M.K too. Best.
N: Aiiikk.. punya kecik gambor tu.. hang tau jaket HP. Mana tau? Ko ada satu aaarrr..
aharis, at 11:15 am
aisayman.. jeket putih tu mesti la kenai.. dpt sempena 'salam perkenalan dgn muka terkezut' kat mmds lumut tawon lepas... hehehehe..
Anonymous, at 11:10 am
Such a sweet memory!! Moments I conqeured MT.KK & leave bitterness behind..tak bole lupa betapa sakitnya kakiku...ooiii.sapa suruh lupa bawa boots,pakai dancing shoe only...nak naik lagi next time..hehehe..
Anonymous, at 10:55 am
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