KRI 10k Road Race on the way
Monday: After Larian Perbandaran feel that i'm on peak performance. Then the one who was peeing while i'm potong (he was 14th) was cucuk me to do KRI next week. He layuq (convince) me with KRI Brooks's T'Shirt... design lawa.. dri-fit type.. 10k only.. you can do it maah..
Ceh! That night can't sleep. Be thinking alot.. Sunday, inform my wife..
"I want to do KRI 10km at Ipoh"
"Next Week.."
"Hari apa?
"Gila ka!!!.. it's fasting month u know!"
At last she agee as next we will balik Taiping for 1st Ramadhan feast and Kedah is public holiday. Sunday.. dia kena cari MC.
Call KRI office.. to register by name. They won't accepted as date was closed. Plead again.. they gave me da president hp#. Again he also don't want to accept.. I gave alot of reasons.. why i late been inform. Finally he said..
"U fax first your registration form.. and see how i could include your name"
So i prepared/fill-in the registration form and a cover fax.
Dear Mr Choong,
After our conversation thru hand-phone, enclose is my registration form for KRI Annual 10K Road Race. I had been late informed about this annual race by my friend and I’m really appreciate and thankful if you could include my name in this tremendous road race.
Stay in Gurun, Kedah and purely plan to come down to Ipoh only to support this road race. As in Kedah, there was not much running event held in here. I had been active running 2 years ago after been advised by my doctor to seek an active and healthily lifestyle. As for now, thanks god my health being improved day by day because of running sport. I understand this running event held on fasting month, but it’s not an obstacle to me and I will continue my fasting.
Finally, I’m really, really grateful if you could consider my registration in this wonderful running event. Please advise me as soon as possible so that I could send somebody in Ipoh to make a payment and again please give me a good news and call to my handphone (0124287801).
Abdul Haris b. Shariff
An hour later.. got SMS from him..
"Congratulation u made it to d KRI 10km race, (it's an expection) Pls log on to our website for entry details Chong"
viola! my name was in the list in B category...
I just wanna to run.. guys! and TQVM Mr. Chong...
Ceh! That night can't sleep. Be thinking alot.. Sunday, inform my wife..
"I want to do KRI 10km at Ipoh"
"Next Week.."
"Hari apa?
"Gila ka!!!.. it's fasting month u know!"
At last she agee as next we will balik Taiping for 1st Ramadhan feast and Kedah is public holiday. Sunday.. dia kena cari MC.
Call KRI office.. to register by name. They won't accepted as date was closed. Plead again.. they gave me da president hp#. Again he also don't want to accept.. I gave alot of reasons.. why i late been inform. Finally he said..
"U fax first your registration form.. and see how i could include your name"
So i prepared/fill-in the registration form and a cover fax.
Dear Mr Choong,
After our conversation thru hand-phone, enclose is my registration form for KRI Annual 10K Road Race. I had been late informed about this annual race by my friend and I’m really appreciate and thankful if you could include my name in this tremendous road race.
Stay in Gurun, Kedah and purely plan to come down to Ipoh only to support this road race. As in Kedah, there was not much running event held in here. I had been active running 2 years ago after been advised by my doctor to seek an active and healthily lifestyle. As for now, thanks god my health being improved day by day because of running sport. I understand this running event held on fasting month, but it’s not an obstacle to me and I will continue my fasting.
Finally, I’m really, really grateful if you could consider my registration in this wonderful running event. Please advise me as soon as possible so that I could send somebody in Ipoh to make a payment and again please give me a good news and call to my handphone (0124287801).
Abdul Haris b. Shariff
An hour later.. got SMS from him..
"Congratulation u made it to d KRI 10km race, (it's an expection) Pls log on to our website for entry details Chong"

viola! my name was in the list in B category...
I just wanna to run.. guys! and TQVM Mr. Chong...
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ooooooooooo u lah abdul haris. u know not sapa yg buat participant list tu? hahaha...baru je update aritu mr chong telpon i ckp nak tambah sorang nama abdul haris ... time tu bengang kejap...haha nyway, slamat berpuasa. actually u can skip fasting on that day, ari lain bleh lah replace...kan kan?? mr chong sponsored red color brooks cooltext polo shirt, tapi i tak suke baju tu...can we xchange? hehee i like the runner t-shirt time jgn register lepas closing date...:P
Wendy, at 2:13 pm
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aharis, at 5:20 pm
Wendy: Sorry tak berperasaan ada comment here.. hahaaa.. aku laa.. ingat memang x pi.. but seem 1st ramadan i balik rumah mertua @ taiping... so dah dekat.. why not? terus pi ipoh laaa.. eh.. am i the only runner from kedah?. Red-t'shirt hah?.. u kasi free terus kat aku laaa... dah la tak lawa.. wuhahahaa.. Yap!nx yr u reserved i place for me.. ok!
aharis, at 5:21 pm
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