Almost 2 weeks not posting any blog..
Same goes to my legs... even more.
Just able to do easy and short run
..and doing x-trainning with Alauddin + Jasmin thru 8km trail route = Pi beli paper kat pekan Bedong.
TM Forest Towerthon 19th Feb - Yeppp.. I'm going. Join the PM group.
Just target for finisher only. My first run event in 2006.
Hopefully kaki could recover fast+100% before that - Pleeeaaseee.
Saturday 4th Feb,
Balik kampung, makan kenduri. Before proceed to ziarah Najib kat Nibong Tebal, drop-by kedai orang-tua aku kat Sungai Kechil.

Same goes to my legs... even more.
Just able to do easy and short run
..and doing x-trainning with Alauddin + Jasmin thru 8km trail route = Pi beli paper kat pekan Bedong.
TM Forest Towerthon 19th Feb - Yeppp.. I'm going. Join the PM group.
Just target for finisher only. My first run event in 2006.
Hopefully kaki could recover fast+100% before that - Pleeeaaseee.
Saturday 4th Feb,
Balik kampung, makan kenduri. Before proceed to ziarah Najib kat Nibong Tebal, drop-by kedai orang-tua aku kat Sungai Kechil.

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