Hobi lama
Masa zaman campus life and working at Lumut for 5year. Every weekend.. sure got project samada dilaut or kolam.
Registered with Pak Sedara - Pak Ndak, with two rods in Pertandingan Memancing Terbuka MyCompany
Seem that my skill sudah hilang.. got nothing that day. Kena pi cari kat market for dinner.

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Registered with Pak Sedara - Pak Ndak, with two rods in Pertandingan Memancing Terbuka MyCompany
Seem that my skill sudah hilang.. got nothing that day. Kena pi cari kat market for dinner.

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pakcik hang hardcore pancing mcm my father. tiap2 hari kena gi pancing.. kalo tak pagi, petang..
bola2api, at 9:34 am
Wuiihh... sure hang x payah pi market.. Mkn ikang fresh.
aharis, at 8:31 pm
slm.mohon izin share beberapa keping gambar untuk tujuan promosi Discover Kedah 2016. sebagai tanda terima kasih,sy akan masukkan link blog tuan di blog sy.jika ada sebarang bantahan, mohon tuan maklumkan sy di blog www.penbiru.com.terima kasih
penbiru, at 8:14 pm
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