Larian Merdeka Kajang
Date: 19 August 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 7:30am
Venue: Stadium Kajang
Distance: 10km and 7km
Total prize money: RM 14,760.00
I don't know number of medal offered, if only top10 - then tak patut laarr. Contact organizer or download the form at Forms and Events section for more detail.
..thanks + wanna run and sight seeing with runwitme?
Time: 7:30am
Venue: Stadium Kajang
Distance: 10km and 7km
Total prize money: RM 14,760.00
I don't know number of medal offered, if only top10 - then tak patut laarr. Contact organizer or download the form at Forms and Events section for more detail.
..thanks + wanna run and sight seeing with runwitme?
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perghhh... laaa ni, organizer plak berebut nak runners sbb tu la byk races clash.. inilah akibatnya lambakan runners di msia!! sib baik aku x bleh jd professor klon, kalo tak asyik muka aku je la kat semua race.. :)
NEZZ, at 4:59 pm
Kebelakangan ni byk betul event belah KL. Byk cash $$ plak. Elok laa.. hg x jadi klon. Kang orang lain marah. heheee..
aharis, at 8:55 am
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