My Girl
Long time i not posting any report or news. Many thanks to my friends who contribute/feed me with event update especially my guest writer Aiman and friends like Tey, Alex, Najib, Rozmi and a few more. Runners out there, who would like to post any event experience, comments, report, tak puashati kaa.. you're welcome here. Email it to me.
Lately i having a very hectic working schedule - training, report writing, documentation, servers/database backup/recovery, appraisal review, shifting to new financial year, bla.. bla blaaa... and miss running for 2 weeks that including swimming and cycling too.
This morning.. i looked at shoes rack - slipper or sandal? i took my Pegasus+ and wear it to wet market - jadik lah..
Beside reba-reba kerja yang bertimbun, i'm also not frequently online. Even my web-mailbox got tonnes of unread mails. I just open and read a personal message. News-letters, RSS, job-recruitment.. berlambak.
To make it worst... - Telephone line along my housing lane kena curik plak since late March. Mangkuk-hayun!!
Already a month report to Telekom, they said they will fix it within 2 weeks but... janji manis. And i received full monthly bill for streamyx which i unable to use.

Mengkuang Dam
1st week of April, i attended a week training at Kulim Hitech. After training session i went to BM Leopard "nest" - Mengkuang Dam. A very nice place for jogging, running, walking and taking deep fresh air.
I join Alex's running training. He took me to trail run thru rubber plantation and climb a nearby hill and after 20mins we reach hill peak. I could saw Bukit Mertajam town, Penang Island and Kulim town at my back.. fuh! such beautiful scenery.
And we continue ran back to Mengkuang Dam thru different route.

Farouk, Alex, Aku and Heri

Next day.. i join PakYa. Lari dengan dia kat Stadium di Kulim. We ran together on stadium track for 30mins. Fuh! seksa sungguh lari atas track. i kept on looking at stopwatch. Nak habiskan 10mins on track pon rasa cukup lama.
Before heading back, i had refreshment and a cup of milo at PakYa house. - Thanks.
For the first time, i miss the KLIM this year. I would like to post the reason... but had no opportunity to do it dengan telepon kabel putuih.
Actually i was in stand-by mode. We (+wife) expecting for 3rd child. The due date was 10 April and 2 week before, i slow abit my workouts. Get home earlier and drawn an "escape route/plan"
Alhamdulilliah on 12 April @2:57pm, I was promoted to Sergeant Haris :-) The 3rd child is girl. Both of them sihat. 3.27kg in weight. But this time wife said sakit sangat-sangat compare to previous delivery. She was in labour room since 8am and doctor had to induce her.
Next day we bring the baby home - She so beautiful and her mom too.

Another ritual as a father (placenta + limau nipis + salt + jarum) tighten in plain cloth and place-in tempurung (jantan-jantan: tempurung yang ada lubang) and buried in-front of my house.
Fansuri bt. Abdul Haris

Lately i having a very hectic working schedule - training, report writing, documentation, servers/database backup/recovery, appraisal review, shifting to new financial year, bla.. bla blaaa... and miss running for 2 weeks that including swimming and cycling too.
This morning.. i looked at shoes rack - slipper or sandal? i took my Pegasus+ and wear it to wet market - jadik lah..
Beside reba-reba kerja yang bertimbun, i'm also not frequently online. Even my web-mailbox got tonnes of unread mails. I just open and read a personal message. News-letters, RSS, job-recruitment.. berlambak.
To make it worst... - Telephone line along my housing lane kena curik plak since late March. Mangkuk-hayun!!
Already a month report to Telekom, they said they will fix it within 2 weeks but... janji manis. And i received full monthly bill for streamyx which i unable to use.

Mengkuang Dam
1st week of April, i attended a week training at Kulim Hitech. After training session i went to BM Leopard "nest" - Mengkuang Dam. A very nice place for jogging, running, walking and taking deep fresh air.
I join Alex's running training. He took me to trail run thru rubber plantation and climb a nearby hill and after 20mins we reach hill peak. I could saw Bukit Mertajam town, Penang Island and Kulim town at my back.. fuh! such beautiful scenery.
And we continue ran back to Mengkuang Dam thru different route.

Farouk, Alex, Aku and Heri

Next day.. i join PakYa. Lari dengan dia kat Stadium di Kulim. We ran together on stadium track for 30mins. Fuh! seksa sungguh lari atas track. i kept on looking at stopwatch. Nak habiskan 10mins on track pon rasa cukup lama.
Before heading back, i had refreshment and a cup of milo at PakYa house. - Thanks.
For the first time, i miss the KLIM this year. I would like to post the reason... but had no opportunity to do it dengan telepon kabel putuih.
Actually i was in stand-by mode. We (+wife) expecting for 3rd child. The due date was 10 April and 2 week before, i slow abit my workouts. Get home earlier and drawn an "escape route/plan"
Alhamdulilliah on 12 April @2:57pm, I was promoted to Sergeant Haris :-) The 3rd child is girl. Both of them sihat. 3.27kg in weight. But this time wife said sakit sangat-sangat compare to previous delivery. She was in labour room since 8am and doctor had to induce her.
Next day we bring the baby home - She so beautiful and her mom too.

Another ritual as a father (placenta + limau nipis + salt + jarum) tighten in plain cloth and place-in tempurung (jantan-jantan: tempurung yang ada lubang) and buried in-front of my house.
Fansuri bt. Abdul Haris

Labels: update
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Congrats for being promoted as "Sergeant". Tolong kirim salam to your wife and family member and "Hello" to baby Fansuri.
John, at 3:23 pm
Hi Haris! Congrats! Tahniah! Murah rezeki you!
RunWitMe, at 11:52 am
Fansuri. Nice name! Tahniah!
Anonymous, at 2:27 pm
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown, at 11:07 pm
Congratulations! But don't stop training!
Anonymous, at 11:10 pm
TQ. U bila lagi?.. Fansuri said to you.... "Wuuuwwwaaaaaa..huwwwaaaaa"
Sama-sama. The old-folk recalled "What?!.. Mahsuri?" heheheee
twy + Wei Yi,
I guess.. u're twy right?!
Ya! you too.. update us on Penang side...
TQ. Hopefully i won 1st place in local event heheeeeee...
aharis, at 8:45 am
congrats dpt baby baru! wife aku pregnant kali ke-3 now, dah 17 weeks. yg 2nd miscarried @ 2 mths, end of 2007. doa2kan le semoga anak aku dpt adik dgn selamat. about streamyx, actually u can ask for rebates from TM if for technical reasons u aren't able to use it. but not sure if stolen cable is considered TM's fault or some sort of "force majeure". but u can always give it a shot 1st. fairuz ex-modenas it.
pirus, at 3:02 am
Alhamduliah... Insyallah aku doakan semuanya selamat. Boleh buat kawan utk anak hang.
Aku dah keciwa dgn TMNet. Dah hampir 2bln tak restore lagi. Ingat mau kasi terminate. Subcribe wireless... celcom kaa.. or maxis.
aharis, at 3:33 pm
try mintak rebates dulu. aku rasa boleh dpt. kalau x dpt, aku ckp kat abang ipar aku. dia keje tmnet (skrg tm). aku pakai streamyx 1mb. so, aku tambah rm20 utk dpt pckg celcom home, hop & away rm108 tu. so, streamyx ada, celcom broadband 384kbps unlimited pun ada... :)
pirus, at 4:37 pm
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