Run. Mix. Burn!

Friday 8 January 2010

Merentas Desa Pulau Pinang

Date: 28 February 2010 | 7:30am
Venue: Teluk Kumbar, Penang
Distance: 6km and 8km for Men Open

Initially I a bit confuse why a running event they like to call "Merentas Desa" instead of Larian or Jogathon. Then looking on running route... yep! they right! It should be Merentas Desa.

The route will be passing a shore, running thru kampung-kampung road, pekan teluk kumbar, paddy field and kebun sayur. Syiok... right?!

..and if you lucky, a motorcycle is waiting for lucky finisher.

Detail and form on website above or pdf format @my Forms and Event section from YuSong

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