Run. Mix. Burn!

Monday 8 November 2010

Report: New Balance 12km - Run 4 It 2010

By Aiman Cheah

Date: 31 October 2010 | Sunday | 6:45am
Venue: Stadium Padang Sultan Sulaiman, Klang
Distance: 12km
Category: Men Junior Veteran
Result: 1hr 00mins 43 secs

This is my second back to back race after the Men's Health Run/KLIUC Run some time back in July/August. I kind of enjoy it because my main concern for these past few years is lacking badly in mileage.

I was quite lucky to be able to put in more mileage training:
24/10 - 8.4km in 44mins 42secs
26/10 - 10.5km in 55mins 34secs
28/10 - 2,500 swim in 1hr 15mins
30/10 - 5km UM Night Challenge Run in 29mins 37secs

I woke up quite late and I in haste I had forgotten to drink my oat beverage. I only realized it when I reached the stadium. I made a mistake by reporting 'too early' as I was not allowed to go to the gents which entrance was outside the stadium. When the gate was opened for the runners to assemble at the starting line, the queue to the toilet was rather long. Since it was not too urgent for me, I thought I would bear with it.

The flag off was a little later than scheduled. The runners did not seem to be too excited about the race. I did not have to compete to get to the 10th row on the 'grid'.

I started off slowly as usual and began to step up my pace after the first kilometre. I knew I would not be able to sustain the pace because my fitness was not good and my muscles may not cope with the pace. It had been a long time since I ran at such pace. After about 15 minutes my Chap Ayam team mate - Zulazlan overtook me. He was like an express train. I saw him running frantically to the starting line to report after the flag off. He was out of sight within minutes.

I caught up with Me Lee Yee Sum after about 20 minutes. I overtook him but I knew very well he could have overtaken me before the finishing line because of his strong finishing.

Just before the second water station, my muscles began to feel tight. I had to drop my pace. Took power gel at the water station and then tried to 'proctect' my position. I tried to maintain my pace but the temptation to stop and walk was very strong.

Luckily, I did not stop at all after the water station. Four runners overtook me in the last 2km and with 1 km to go another 4 overtook. Before turning into the road leading to the stadium many more runners overtook me. I decided to 'sprint' but was very cautious just in case I might get a muscle cramp and had to limp all the way to the finishing line which was less than 300 metres away.

I met Mr Lee later and asked for his time. I was glad to be ahead of him. He was surprised when I told him that I had not been faster than him for 3 years! Yes, almost three years. I got to know him during the Rimbathon run in FRIM on 3rd August 2008. I lost to him and had never finished ahead of him since then.

To me, it was a good race because I could still manage to be in the top 10 in the women's category.

The result gave me a little excitement for the Penang Bridge Run. It has been a long, long time since I did a sub 2 hours in a half marathon.

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