Melaka Historic City Int. Marathon
Date: 17 July 2005
Venue: Stadium Tun Fatimah, Bukit Serindit, Melaka
Distance: 42.2, 21.1, 10 and 5km
Forms can be download at Events & Forms section
"Larian berprestij melalui laluan silam yang dapat membangkitkan nostalgia dan semangat juang." - huh! Boleh jumpa 5 Hang-sekawan ka?
Venue: Stadium Tun Fatimah, Bukit Serindit, Melaka
Distance: 42.2, 21.1, 10 and 5km
Forms can be download at Events & Forms section
"Larian berprestij melalui laluan silam yang dapat membangkitkan nostalgia dan semangat juang." - huh! Boleh jumpa 5 Hang-sekawan ka?
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same date with PD triathlon la....macam mana boleh clash nie...
TriStupe, at 10:59 am
Hi! Haris,
The K.L. Penguins Group is going for Melaka Full Marathon.
Do not forget to taper for 3 weeks before the actual race on 17/07/2005.
So, see u there and wish u all the best.
Anonymous, at 1:44 pm
Aku dah lambung syiling dah..
Melaka menang!
Pi tengok depa registration laa..
How about u.. Melaka or PD?
aharis, at 3:04 pm
Penguin 2,
Yeah! oraiiit, can chat again wt u on the run.
After KLIM, didn't do more 21km training run..
Just put my "Just Do It!" shoes and cry later laa.. :P
aharis, at 3:08 pm
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