Happy Birthday to ME!
Heheheeee.. usually deep inside, i did not celebrate my birthday. But this week will celebrate kau-kau lat punya! Not because plus another a year on my age, or masuk kategori senior (minta simpang.. kalau boleh).. or the gift..
I'm celebrated a year of free from haram-jadah tobbaco/rokok/.
FREEEEEDOOOOOOOMMM!!! - Shout like a William Wallace.
Start smoking since Form 4 (stay in hostel school), after SRP. Still remember the first cigar was SALEM. That time it cost only RM2.50 for 20s a pack. Cheap hah!Compare to nowdays. First time isap.. because of friends. Yayayaaaaa.. everybody tuduh kawan. Sedirik yang buat.
First sedut..
Khoohh..koh! koooh! koooooohh! - Aku telan asap, masuk dalam perut. Air mata meleleh. Mata merah.. Kawan2 gelak. Babi betul... - best!
That was end of first sedut.
Next day after breakfast.
Naik hostel, jumpa kawan. Hutang satu "stone" haaa. It was SALEM again. This time.. nekad punya.. musti habis satu batang.
First sedut.. sikit. "Sit". Khoooh.. khhoooooh!
Second... improve sikit. No batuk
Third.. then seterus.. until 20s a pack.. i could finish it in a day. (..not an extreme smoker).
Then.. last year, half an hour before 12am of 28 April. Puff my last kopek of cigar and said to myself..
"Aku stop isap and aku stop buying this Light Marlboro.."
Aku sedut gila babi punya… until no smoke coming out. Hehehee.. aku pun tak tau mana pi asap tuh.. Keluar kot bontot kot.. and till today, tengok kotak rokok.. pon dah tak lalu.
I’m free.
Sapa yang still smoking.. Keep going guys!! Fill-up your jantung with asap. Burn your $$. Give second-hand smoke to love one. Be prepare for heart attack... until you found strong reason why you want to quit. - Hopefully.. it not too late.
And to N, CM and sapa2 yang ucap Happy Birthday kat aku. Terima kasih bebanyak kerana mengingati tarikh ni. Kerana hangpa ambik-berat + kawan + regular-blog-visitors + make-hit-counter-berjalan + encourage-me-to-update-this-blog + aku-berlari + aku-kayuh-gerek + aku.... = My dream. TQVM.
Errr.. ada sapa2 nak register run event.. Penang Bridge ka.. Kedah Marathon kaa.. A.Star Mini marathon kaaa... kasi your detail to me ;P
I'm celebrated a year of free from haram-jadah tobbaco/rokok/.
FREEEEEDOOOOOOOMMM!!! - Shout like a William Wallace.
Start smoking since Form 4 (stay in hostel school), after SRP. Still remember the first cigar was SALEM. That time it cost only RM2.50 for 20s a pack. Cheap hah!Compare to nowdays. First time isap.. because of friends. Yayayaaaaa.. everybody tuduh kawan. Sedirik yang buat.
First sedut..
Khoohh..koh! koooh! koooooohh! - Aku telan asap, masuk dalam perut. Air mata meleleh. Mata merah.. Kawan2 gelak. Babi betul... - best!
That was end of first sedut.
Next day after breakfast.
Naik hostel, jumpa kawan. Hutang satu "stone" haaa. It was SALEM again. This time.. nekad punya.. musti habis satu batang.
First sedut.. sikit. "Sit". Khoooh.. khhoooooh!
Second... improve sikit. No batuk
Third.. then seterus.. until 20s a pack.. i could finish it in a day. (..not an extreme smoker).
Then.. last year, half an hour before 12am of 28 April. Puff my last kopek of cigar and said to myself..
"Aku stop isap and aku stop buying this Light Marlboro.."
Aku sedut gila babi punya… until no smoke coming out. Hehehee.. aku pun tak tau mana pi asap tuh.. Keluar kot bontot kot.. and till today, tengok kotak rokok.. pon dah tak lalu.
I’m free.
Sapa yang still smoking.. Keep going guys!! Fill-up your jantung with asap. Burn your $$. Give second-hand smoke to love one. Be prepare for heart attack... until you found strong reason why you want to quit. - Hopefully.. it not too late.
And to N, CM and sapa2 yang ucap Happy Birthday kat aku. Terima kasih bebanyak kerana mengingati tarikh ni. Kerana hangpa ambik-berat + kawan + regular-blog-visitors + make-hit-counter-berjalan + encourage-me-to-update-this-blog + aku-berlari + aku-kayuh-gerek + aku.... = My dream. TQVM.
Errr.. ada sapa2 nak register run event.. Penang Bridge ka.. Kedah Marathon kaa.. A.Star Mini marathon kaaa... kasi your detail to me ;P
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2U. Semoga banyak medal, murah rezeki. :)
RunWitMe, at 9:52 am
wei birthday boi!! arini 28 april 2006, hang kena senyum sampai ke telinga tau.. muka hensem kena bagi lagi hensem.. alwez remember this quote "USIA BUKAN HANYA BILANGAN WAKTU, TAPI BILANGAN KESEDARAN".. hehehehe... moga diberkati sepanjang hayat...
Anonymous, at 10:19 am
Congrats, but watch out after 1 year ( & 3year ) you think you are free and let your guard down, then get back into it. A few of my gang also quit once join the sports. S
Anonymous, at 10:34 am
ohh lupa lak nak wish kat sini..happy birthdayy!!!! harap medal nko bertimbun tahun nihh..kalah gunung jerai..kekeke..
Anonymous, at 11:13 am
U happy birthday wish...is what ah ?
hmmm...happy running ,medals...enjoy with family...most important this year is ..climbathon mt k..train kau-kau.ok...!!
Keipo, at 12:51 pm
Dear Haris,
Happy birthday (belated one..as I was on leave therefore, did not visit any blog in last few days). See you at Larian Bendang.
neveS MP
Wed 3/5/06
Anonymous, at 3:28 pm
Happy belated birthday!!Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki & perbanyakkan pendakian Gunung Kinabalu.Semoga sukses selalu.
Anonymous, at 1:36 pm
Hi Tuty!!!
Terima kasseeeehhh!! It was memorable experience climbing + knowing u.
Yap! now i know how height of Mt K.. - Need more training @ Mount Jerai.
U'll be there - right?!!
aharis, at 10:54 am
Runwitme, N, Anonymous, p17, tey, twy and neveS MP.
TQVM for remembering and wishes.
Yap! i'll be free forever.
aharis, at 10:58 am
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