Update: Yala Half Marathon 2013
..from previous post.
I'm planning to join Yala Half Marathon 2013 end of this month. But not decide whether with family or friends. Because 29 September is not school holiday.
Some of my office-mates would like to join in this daring journey :) They are not runners but probably will register for a fun run and join pre/post race meals. And also ronda-ronda around Yala town.
We will convoy via Betong on Saturday morning. Anyone is going...
I'm planning to join Yala Half Marathon 2013 end of this month. But not decide whether with family or friends. Because 29 September is not school holiday.
Some of my office-mates would like to join in this daring journey :) They are not runners but probably will register for a fun run and join pre/post race meals. And also ronda-ronda around Yala town.
We will convoy via Betong on Saturday morning. Anyone is going...
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i have always wanted to run around that region but takut la, bang. bomb tu buta, tak kenal orang =(
Anonymous, at 6:03 pm
But mostly they bombed remote/kampung area. Betong - Yala is main road. Base on last year experience... every 10km got road-block by Thai Army...
..wish me luck :)
aharis, at 8:28 am
respect you for ur bravery.
all the best and good luck, bro. don't 4get to come back and share photos and experiences ya.
Anonymous, at 5:40 pm
hujung bulan tu 29/9 ka? SCKLM plak. kalu tak, mau jugak join :)
aizul, at 3:47 pm
..photos + 'racun' suda semesti.
aharis, at 3:56 pm
Terengganu pon ada... teringin gak nak lari di pantai timur.. tapi panggilan tugas Yala xdpt ditolak :)
aharis, at 3:58 pm
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