Short News - Cinta Sayang

Aerobic dance exercise before the run
Still no mood to write a report. Very upset with the organizer. Not only me but the rest core runners. Felt being cheated. Twice!. from organizer and the kaki tipu runners. The worst and stupid run event before Ipoh Int. Run 2004 - Bodoh!

Flag-off 4km school category
The Organizer.
They were not really-x2 serious to organize this run event. Although it said this run was collaboration with Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah Kuala Muda/Yan and MIC negeri Kedah in registration form - big name hah!. But i think run this gave a bad name to Pejabat Daerah K.Muda/Yan & MIC.
To Kaki Tipu Runners 3-4x
"Tak halal.. ko ambik medal tuh!.. reput kaki ko!"
One of top runners from Thailand, registered/should run under 4km category.. but finish 9km and the prize?! - Finish laa..
- category run cuma 4km & 8km saja.. ko lari 9km sapa suruh..
- Kapla Jingga, mangkuk hayun, kuda kepang, jin tanah - punya Cinta Sayang!
p/s: Aku tak habis maki lagi..
9km = 42.19mins
Position = 11
- Dapat certificate.. printed with my name.. "cantek gila!!". Color hijau!
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