Kuala Kangsar Double Bridge Run also infected by Biggie virus. Virus Postpone. A new date was set on 25 february. It is sunday. Hhhmmmm.. sure miss. Thanks to Alex for info.
Chart Hits 1 jeng!..jenggg! on mp3 player inside my car. For 2 weeks, these songs were played non-stop. Giving no way for radio or my songs/CD, unless they were sleep. 1st week, hampir pengsan + pening aku.. these songs were play continuously. On 2nd week, i joined their world.. guess what...
Captain: Are you ready kids?
Kids: Aye-aye Captain.
Captain: I can't hear you...
Kids+Alauddin: Aye-Aye Captain!!
Captain: Oh! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Kids+Alauddin+Jasmin: SpongeBob SquarePants!
Captain: Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!
Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants!
Captain: If nautical nonsense be something you wish...
Kids+Alauddin+Jasmin+Aku: SpongeBob SquarePants!
Captain: Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!
Kids+ Alauddin+ Jasmin+ Aku: SpongeBob SquarePants!
Captain: Ready?
semua+ Alauddin+ Jasmin+ Aku+ Cikgu: SpongeBob SquarePants! SpongeBob SquarePants! SpongeBob SquarePants!
Captain: SpongeBob.... SquarePants! Haha.
Naruto theme song... become my favorite and my kids.. they can sing a Doreamon song in japanese :0
Click on the Web Player for the songs.
A credit to the creator.
Sunday 24 December, Alauddin start masuk darjah 1 this coming new year. Went on his orientation day. Meet-up his new teacher. Getting know his new friends and Me+Cikgu chat with their parents especially malay.
His new school is Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (C) Sin Kuo Min, Bedong
A kampung school. Nearest to rumah pengasuh. Back to their old pengasuh since they were infant. Maybe next 2years he can go to school by road-bicycle.
Got 2 classes for standard 1. Each class less than 20. He was in Standard 1M.. i don't know what M stand for.. Merah Menyala kot. An indian and 2 malays in 1M, including him. Another 3 malays in other class.
Sometimes i feel that i was gambled/risked my kid life. Put him in difficulty. I don't know whether he could catch-up with the lesson and the communication gap. Did he like it?. Will he blame me like Anakku Sazali?

X'mas day - Selamat Hari Natal to my blog readers.
Finally i did my first 9km road running after Powerman. A month ++.Start at 7:30am from home to Ladang Thye Eng (offroad/ladang kepala sawit) - Semeling and back to AIMST and home. Glad that i could maintain the pace. 9km @ 44:14mins.
Chart Hits 1 jeng!..jenggg! on mp3 player inside my car. For 2 weeks, these songs were played non-stop. Giving no way for radio or my songs/CD, unless they were sleep. 1st week, hampir pengsan + pening aku.. these songs were play continuously. On 2nd week, i joined their world.. guess what...
Captain: Are you ready kids?
Kids: Aye-aye Captain.
Captain: I can't hear you...
Kids+Alauddin: Aye-Aye Captain!!
Captain: Oh! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Kids+Alauddin+Jasmin: SpongeBob SquarePants!
Captain: Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!
Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants!
Captain: If nautical nonsense be something you wish...
Kids+Alauddin+Jasmin+Aku: SpongeBob SquarePants!
Captain: Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!
Kids+ Alauddin+ Jasmin+ Aku: SpongeBob SquarePants!
Captain: Ready?
semua+ Alauddin+ Jasmin+ Aku+ Cikgu: SpongeBob SquarePants! SpongeBob SquarePants! SpongeBob SquarePants!
Captain: SpongeBob.... SquarePants! Haha.
Naruto theme song... become my favorite and my kids.. they can sing a Doreamon song in japanese :0
Click on the Web Player for the songs.
A credit to the creator.
Sunday 24 December, Alauddin start masuk darjah 1 this coming new year. Went on his orientation day. Meet-up his new teacher. Getting know his new friends and Me+Cikgu chat with their parents especially malay.
His new school is Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (C) Sin Kuo Min, Bedong
A kampung school. Nearest to rumah pengasuh. Back to their old pengasuh since they were infant. Maybe next 2years he can go to school by road-bicycle.
Got 2 classes for standard 1. Each class less than 20. He was in Standard 1M.. i don't know what M stand for.. Merah Menyala kot. An indian and 2 malays in 1M, including him. Another 3 malays in other class.
Sometimes i feel that i was gambled/risked my kid life. Put him in difficulty. I don't know whether he could catch-up with the lesson and the communication gap. Did he like it?. Will he blame me like Anakku Sazali?

X'mas day - Selamat Hari Natal to my blog readers.
Finally i did my first 9km road running after Powerman. A month ++.Start at 7:30am from home to Ladang Thye Eng (offroad/ladang kepala sawit) - Semeling and back to AIMST and home. Glad that i could maintain the pace. 9km @ 44:14mins.
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kalo nak Alaudin jd Anakku Sazali, ajaq dia dialog nie : "Cikgu suka main bola, hari2 Cikgu main bola... Cikgu suka main bola, hari2 Cikgu main bola... Cikgu suka TIDOR, mari kita main!!!" hehehehe.. :)
Anonymous, at 8:59 am
Takpe.. itu cikgu dia yg tidoq.
Jgn dia kata "Jin mata buta" or "mambang tanah " udah..
aharis, at 11:24 am
fuyo.. masuk sekolah cina.. berabuk la cakap cina lepas ni :)
bola2api, at 9:20 am
Bola2api: Aku jugak yg nganga. Tahapahapa dia mengumpat aku kat belakang.
aharis, at 8:57 am
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