Training: Week2 March07
From monday - thursday, jadi pengasuh. Can't go anywhere after working hour. Pick-up kids @5:30. Taupau the dinner, send them to mengaji and monitor their homeworks. That is a normal routine when Cikgu not around. Usually by 10:30pm, i was flat.
For abnormal, will bring them to hypermarket. Let them play sampai penat at indoor playground. Watching them while reading a magazines. By 10:30pm they fall asleep before reach home. Heheeee..
Mon: X
Tue: X
Wed: X
Thu: X
Fri: (Run) Tupah -> Home. 12km. Easy Run&Walk. 1:00.01
Sat: (Run) Home <-> Thye Eng. 9km. 43.18
Sun: (Bike) Pusing Gunung Jerai. 60km. 1:55
Was planning to do cycling on Saturday and long run on Sunday. But suddenly last minute before heading to meeting point. Tyre puncture. Cilakak!. Malaih nak tukaq taya, urged Reza to pedal with 2 new members without me. Changed to running tight. Lari. Thought of a long-run.. but too late - matahari dah tinggi.
Thought of a long-run again.. but kaki not so good. Went out for cycling. Pusing Gunung Jerai - alone. Doing time trial for 60km. Non-stop.
It's really tough when cycling alone especially when passing an open area such as paddy field. A strong wind will make you slow-down and feel wasted on pedalling. Nak teriak aku dibuatnyer.
For abnormal, will bring them to hypermarket. Let them play sampai penat at indoor playground. Watching them while reading a magazines. By 10:30pm they fall asleep before reach home. Heheeee..
Mon: X
Tue: X
Wed: X
Thu: X
Fri: (Run) Tupah -> Home. 12km. Easy Run&Walk. 1:00.01
Sat: (Run) Home <-> Thye Eng. 9km. 43.18
Sun: (Bike) Pusing Gunung Jerai. 60km. 1:55
Was planning to do cycling on Saturday and long run on Sunday. But suddenly last minute before heading to meeting point. Tyre puncture. Cilakak!. Malaih nak tukaq taya, urged Reza to pedal with 2 new members without me. Changed to running tight. Lari. Thought of a long-run.. but too late - matahari dah tinggi.
Thought of a long-run again.. but kaki not so good. Went out for cycling. Pusing Gunung Jerai - alone. Doing time trial for 60km. Non-stop.
It's really tough when cycling alone especially when passing an open area such as paddy field. A strong wind will make you slow-down and feel wasted on pedalling. Nak teriak aku dibuatnyer.
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jangan teriak weh... sabar sabar
ok lah tu hang punya training.. kalo hang buleh swim, buleh masuk tri terus.. take up swimming la.. cycling n running hang dah cantik dah
bola2api, at 9:37 am
Aku kena register class laa.. Terjun tiruk bleh laaa..
aharis, at 11:09 am
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