Inaugural Raptor Watch Lighthouse Run
When:: Sun 11th March 2007 3pm
Where:: From PNB Ilham Resort to Lighthouse, Tanjung Tuan Forest Reserve
Distance:: About 2km (includes beach, slope & stairs!)
Open to:: Anyone aged 16-40 yrs old
Categories:: Men & Ladies
Registration:: RM5 – Funds raised goes to Raptor Research
Prizes:: Food Hampers
How to Register::
Click here for the registration form or turn up at Raptor Watch on Sun 11th March to register at the Registration Booth before 2pm
1. Participants must be at PNB Ilham Resort and have paid and registered by 2pm on Sun 11th March 2007.
2. Judges’ decision is final.
3. Each participant is responsible for their own state of health (MNS will not be liable for any injuries etc incurred during this run.)
4. Unethical running practices (shoving, pushing or pulling) will not be tolerated – guilty parties will be disqualified.
5. Participants are to stick to the trail provided to prevent damage to the surrounding environment.
..from Aiman Cheah Tiong Chap
Where:: From PNB Ilham Resort to Lighthouse, Tanjung Tuan Forest Reserve
Distance:: About 2km (includes beach, slope & stairs!)
Open to:: Anyone aged 16-40 yrs old
Categories:: Men & Ladies
Registration:: RM5 – Funds raised goes to Raptor Research
Prizes:: Food Hampers
How to Register::
Click here for the registration form or turn up at Raptor Watch on Sun 11th March to register at the Registration Booth before 2pm
1. Participants must be at PNB Ilham Resort and have paid and registered by 2pm on Sun 11th March 2007.
2. Judges’ decision is final.
3. Each participant is responsible for their own state of health (MNS will not be liable for any injuries etc incurred during this run.)
4. Unethical running practices (shoving, pushing or pulling) will not be tolerated – guilty parties will be disqualified.
5. Participants are to stick to the trail provided to prevent damage to the surrounding environment.
..from Aiman Cheah Tiong Chap
Labels: lighthouse, raptor
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isk... afsal la byk plak race yg clash on d same day.. aku jadik 'klon' paula radcliffe kang baru tau... haaaa... kat utara sana ada apa race plak?? gggrrrrrrr...
NEZZ, at 9:00 am
Pi ursha burung pon hg nak sapu! But it's trail run laa.. best jugak.
Hah! tu dia! Bendang sudah mari... berani?!.. takkan htr cik kiah saja kott..
aharis, at 4:28 pm
ish ganaz sgt la.
takut lutut tak leh tahan turun slope semua.. next wkend tu KLIM pulak..
hang pegi ka?
bola2api, at 11:27 am
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