No more simulation. An Actual.
Had a very tiring weekend..last week, took a leave today . Ran half marathon at Larian Bendang on Saturday at Alor Star and drove to Ipoh for 160km Century Ride on Sunday morning.
Sakit hati + sakit peha + sakit bontot + sakit lutut + tarik mengkarung/cramp.. tapi semua tu sakit best/sedap after you undergo alot of time in training and succeed go thru all as plan.
+ Unexpected result = stiiimm habis. ahaks!
More report in couple+1 of days.


Had a very tiring weekend..last week, took a leave today . Ran half marathon at Larian Bendang on Saturday at Alor Star and drove to Ipoh for 160km Century Ride on Sunday morning.
Sakit hati + sakit peha + sakit bontot + sakit lutut + tarik mengkarung/cramp.. tapi semua tu sakit best/sedap after you undergo alot of time in training and succeed go thru all as plan.
+ Unexpected result = stiiimm habis. ahaks!
More report in couple+1 of days.


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mcm citer nujum pak belalang.. hai lah Badan, hai lah Nyawa... hehehehe.. sian kena dera..
kat start line LB, cuba try test zoom kat row belakang tu.. ada tak muka wanted nie... ehem ehem... :)
NEZZ, at 11:14 am
Takpa ada insurance.. yg tak dak nie... yg risau nih.
Tawon depan aku buka table depan paktam maiden.. meh join lagik.
aharis, at 3:38 pm
whut? u ran larin bendang the day b4 and drove to ipoh on sunday morning itself and u finished in 6 hrs. damn u are really a satan...hahaha now teach me how to be 1
Wendy, at 12:01 am
Hehehe... Best jadi satan.. sometimes hehe... - penat.
But u're the mother of satan since after the MDS Lumut.
aharis, at 11:42 am
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