I will miss a huge Penang Bridge Marathon (PBM) this year. :( They said more than 17,000 were registered from over 25 countries. Wuih! Reban jambatan tuh! Run in PBM memang best. Mana tempat lagi yang boleh lari lintas laut, no wonder they attact more and more runners each year.
But one thing i should remind... berak + kencing puas2 before start running. There is no place buang 'hajat' on the bridge. Kalau tak malu... try bubuh kat divider in front of 17,000 runners passing-by. If can tahan... then you can stop at Toll Plaza. That was happen to me last year in the middle of the bridge. Terkemut-kemut. Until at Toll Plaza.. thanks god... it disappear. Blink!. I don't know where it goes.
If you ran in IPBR (Int. Penang Bridge Run) in 2003 and never in Penang after that, don't expect to see kenyan/elite/top runners on opposite lane. You'll know what i mean. Better layan laut + 'marka' on the run.
This Sunday... same with you. I'm racing too. But at different event/location. Aku ngan 9org lagi mewakili subsidiary company in north region will be running in 10k event big-company sport day. There are also other in/out door events which start this Friday until Sunday.
First time running event include, so i don't know my peluang. Maybe got kaki also in other teams. Target. Probably top10. (but iisssyyy...deep inside i wish for top3)
Those yang pi Penang Marathon.. all the best.
Sapa yang lari depan aku Ahad ni - Aku sumpah nko terberak tengah jalan before finish line.
But one thing i should remind... berak + kencing puas2 before start running. There is no place buang 'hajat' on the bridge. Kalau tak malu... try bubuh kat divider in front of 17,000 runners passing-by. If can tahan... then you can stop at Toll Plaza. That was happen to me last year in the middle of the bridge. Terkemut-kemut. Until at Toll Plaza.. thanks god... it disappear. Blink!. I don't know where it goes.
If you ran in IPBR (Int. Penang Bridge Run) in 2003 and never in Penang after that, don't expect to see kenyan/elite/top runners on opposite lane. You'll know what i mean. Better layan laut + 'marka' on the run.
This Sunday... same with you. I'm racing too. But at different event/location. Aku ngan 9org lagi mewakili subsidiary company in north region will be running in 10k event big-company sport day. There are also other in/out door events which start this Friday until Sunday.
First time running event include, so i don't know my peluang. Maybe got kaki also in other teams. Target. Probably top10. (but iisssyyy...deep inside i wish for top3)
Those yang pi Penang Marathon.. all the best.
Sapa yang lari depan aku Ahad ni - Aku sumpah nko terberak tengah jalan before finish line.
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aisayman.. tak dak la cheerleader & pom-pom utk aku tawon ni.. apa2 pon, slamat bergumbira meng-sport-kan diri dgn keluarga di UIAM.. mentang2 la students sumer cuti, hangpa la conquer tempat tu ye... have a great time!! kasi menang la apa lagi, hang kan dah kategori elite skrg.. neway, bwk beskal tak? kalo bwk, bleh la curi time pi kayuh naik genting sempah tu.. hehehehe.. :)
NEZZ, at 1:15 pm
Is the Penang Brigde canceled for this year or has the race been terminated ?
The website isn't running any longer.
Since you seem to know well the races in Malaysia, do you know any other marathon in the country ?
I could only register 3 on my web site
Thank you.
jlfenaux, at 5:41 pm
Kitaorg conquer habis hostel2 depa skali dgn dewan makan. Teringat aku masa makan2 dlm tray @itm.
Aku pi sorang. Lari pon sorang... tarak sapa pom-pom. :( Penyokong semua pakat lena lagi.
Genting Sempah dekat ker....
aharis, at 9:21 am
Penang Bridge marathon was over. 24June. The URL was changed, maybe because of changing organizer.
Malaysia marathon event... Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur International, Penang Bridge, Seberkas (Sarawak) and Melaka.
aharis, at 9:21 am
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