Junior Development Program 2011

If you think your kids is talented to be the next Malaysia walker, try give them a chance to learn and compete with the best. We are conducting 3 circuit on 6 March, 5 June & 25 Sept 2011.
There are Free T-shirts & Milo drinks sponsored by Nestle Malaysia. Given professional Malaysia coaches to guide you & your kids the proper methods of walking. Accurate individual timing will be recorded/shown at the end of the race.
So, come join us with your kids. You might even walk away by winning cash prizes up to RM200*
Circuit 1 - 06 March 2011 | 7:30am | Sunday
Circuit 2 - 05 June 2011 | 7:30am | Sunday
Circuit 3 - 25 September 2011 | 7:30am | Sunday
Venue: Stadium Bola Sepak, Kuala Lumpur.
Website: www.racewalkermalaysia.com
Categories | 06 Mac 11 | 05 June 11 | 25 Sept 11 |
A. Boys < 12yrs | 1200m | 1200m | 1200m |
B. Boys < 15yrs | 2000m | 2000m | 2000m |
C. Boys < 18yrs | 3000m | 3000m | 3000m |
D. Girls < 12yrs | 1200m | 1200m | 1200m |
E. Girls < 15yrs | 2000m | 2000m | 2000m |
F. Girls < 18yrs | 3000m | 3000m | 3000m |
G. Women Open>18yrs | 3000m | 3000m | 3000m |
H. Men Open>18yrs | 10,000m | 10,000m | 10,000m |
..from Aiman Cheah
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