Report: Junior Development Program Circuit 1
By Aiman Cheah
Date: 31st March 2012 (Saturday) | 7.30a.m.
Venue: Taman Tasik Titiwangsa
Category: Men above 18
Distance: 10 000m
Time: 1hr 05mins 50secs
Position: Last
Complete result at
As expected, I would be the 'sweeper' among the walkers. This race is special for me as it is first time I could walk against Mr Lo Choon Seng. I am amazed with his strides and frequency… He passed me every two laps! Such a humble man when I complimented him at the end of the race.
I did quite well as I was not so fit on race day. I was 5 mins faster compared to a week earlier when I walked at the MPSJ stadium.
My two children completed their respective groups with similar positions. Well, since they like P. Ramlee movies… It's like 'anak ba....pak....' Both did better than last year… With proper training they should be better. I just let them 'enjoy themselves'. Results were not so important… so long as they can last the 1 200m distance is good enough.
Akmal… slow and steady… left by a lap by the
second last walker
Date: 31st March 2012 (Saturday) | 7.30a.m.
Venue: Taman Tasik Titiwangsa
Category: Men above 18
Distance: 10 000m
Time: 1hr 05mins 50secs
Position: Last
Complete result at
As expected, I would be the 'sweeper' among the walkers. This race is special for me as it is first time I could walk against Mr Lo Choon Seng. I am amazed with his strides and frequency… He passed me every two laps! Such a humble man when I complimented him at the end of the race.
I did quite well as I was not so fit on race day. I was 5 mins faster compared to a week earlier when I walked at the MPSJ stadium.
My two children completed their respective groups with similar positions. Well, since they like P. Ramlee movies… It's like 'anak ba....pak....' Both did better than last year… With proper training they should be better. I just let them 'enjoy themselves'. Results were not so important… so long as they can last the 1 200m distance is good enough.

Left behind far, far away from the other walkers

Afiqah… oops knee bending

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