Rëdah Alor Star
With Fauzi, Art and Riza, we started kayuh at Semeling Jetty on last Sunday 14th Jan. Heading to Alor Star (AS). None of us reach Alor Star yet (by bike) and none of us ever try >100km cycling. Only Riza and I were excited that morning. While Fauzi and Art dah cuak.
Cikgu is on course at Langkawi for 2 weeks starting yesterday. Luckily it was sunday + school day. After sending kids to school and tadika, back home changed attire and zasss.. to Jeti Semeling.

The route was, Semeling – Merbok – Yan – Sg. Limau Dalam – Sala - Kg Kuala Kangkong and Kuala Kedah. Then for return, we decided to ride thru main\old road. Route 1. Alor Star – Sungai Petani. A buzy road but wide, with motorcycle lane and shady.
Estimated distance >120km. Start kayuh jam 8:30 after fixed tayar gerek art. Pump tangan tak berapa power. Singgah kedai moto tambah angin.
After terkeluaq jubuq panjat/climbing bukit 3 beradik @Tanjung Jaga, we stop at Yan for breakfast. Sembang2 + makan2. Depa pekena roti canai!. Aku tutuh pisang + roti bun.
Passing Sg. Limau Dalam, snapped a lot of photos while riding. Bendang/sawah padi dah baru/tengah dok dikerat. Matahari pun dah 45darjah dah. Bagi padi yang belom kerat.. dari jauh nampak macam butir emas. - Cantek. Penat.
Reach Alor Star at noon, went to Jambatan Kuala Kedah untuk buah last. Bukit. It also a U-turn for annual 21km A.Star Jogging Club event. Spend a few minutes for lepak + sembang + snap photos.
Riza spotted quite a big hole on art's front tyre. Inner tube - OK. Went to kedai gerek @Pekan Kuala Kedah for temporary patching.
Lunch!.. We went to one of stalls which very famous with Gulai Ikan Termenung. Betoi ka?.. Aku tak pernah pi.
A bit frustrated the stall nearly to close. Taukey said 10am - 11:30 was peak hour. 1pm - shop closed. We told him, we target/kempunan his gulai since from Sg Petani by bike. Dia kesian. Dia bawak keluar gulai last copek. Dapat 3 ketui ikan. Only gulai saja.
First thing.. aku hirup gulai..
Sssluurrrr.. mak datuk. Betul laa.. kalah kari mamak nasi kandar @SP and also @PG!
Aku taruh 2pinggan saja. Thinking nak kayuh balik SP plak lepaih nih. Dengan nasik 4pinggan + 1 tambah, berkole2 air, teh ais, kopi jantan tahapahapa lagi kole air.. taukey charge us RM8! for 4 of us. - Murahnyer. Mana nak dapat?!! - Only at Kuala Kedah.
Before back to Semeling using main road, we stopped at pump station. Buang minyak, 100Plus, refill and re-fresh. Another 50-40km more. Dah tengah rembang dah. Budak sekolah pon dah balik dah.
From AS, we ride together. Until at Simpang Empat, aku break. Speed-up and maintain top speed for 5minutes then slow-down, wait for others. Before reach Guar Chempedak, again we stop for drinks. Can't resisted ayeq tebu tengah dok mesin + air nira nipah - Sejuk. Peh! tersandaq kat bangku malas taukey tu.
Then slowly kayuh back to Semeling. Other continue kayuh balik ke Jetty Semeling. 8km more for them. My total distance was 139km.
Next day, sakit habis bahu2. Panas badan. Rasa macam nak demam but not and sunburn.
What a ride.. can't wait for next week menu.
Cilaka: Jatuh gerek with both feet stuck on clipper pedal while waiting for team.
Learned: Take off the clip shoes if stop, even for a few second.
Learned: Need to loose weight - gemuk.
Mouse over the photos for description

Cikgu is on course at Langkawi for 2 weeks starting yesterday. Luckily it was sunday + school day. After sending kids to school and tadika, back home changed attire and zasss.. to Jeti Semeling.

The route was, Semeling – Merbok – Yan – Sg. Limau Dalam – Sala - Kg Kuala Kangkong and Kuala Kedah. Then for return, we decided to ride thru main\old road. Route 1. Alor Star – Sungai Petani. A buzy road but wide, with motorcycle lane and shady.
Estimated distance >120km. Start kayuh jam 8:30 after fixed tayar gerek art. Pump tangan tak berapa power. Singgah kedai moto tambah angin.
After terkeluaq jubuq panjat/climbing bukit 3 beradik @Tanjung Jaga, we stop at Yan for breakfast. Sembang2 + makan2. Depa pekena roti canai!. Aku tutuh pisang + roti bun.
Passing Sg. Limau Dalam, snapped a lot of photos while riding. Bendang/sawah padi dah baru/tengah dok dikerat. Matahari pun dah 45darjah dah. Bagi padi yang belom kerat.. dari jauh nampak macam butir emas. - Cantek. Penat.
Reach Alor Star at noon, went to Jambatan Kuala Kedah untuk buah last. Bukit. It also a U-turn for annual 21km A.Star Jogging Club event. Spend a few minutes for lepak + sembang + snap photos.
Riza spotted quite a big hole on art's front tyre. Inner tube - OK. Went to kedai gerek @Pekan Kuala Kedah for temporary patching.
Lunch!.. We went to one of stalls which very famous with Gulai Ikan Termenung. Betoi ka?.. Aku tak pernah pi.
A bit frustrated the stall nearly to close. Taukey said 10am - 11:30 was peak hour. 1pm - shop closed. We told him, we target/kempunan his gulai since from Sg Petani by bike. Dia kesian. Dia bawak keluar gulai last copek. Dapat 3 ketui ikan. Only gulai saja.
First thing.. aku hirup gulai..
Sssluurrrr.. mak datuk. Betul laa.. kalah kari mamak nasi kandar @SP and also @PG!
Aku taruh 2pinggan saja. Thinking nak kayuh balik SP plak lepaih nih. Dengan nasik 4pinggan + 1 tambah, berkole2 air, teh ais, kopi jantan tahapahapa lagi kole air.. taukey charge us RM8! for 4 of us. - Murahnyer. Mana nak dapat?!! - Only at Kuala Kedah.
Before back to Semeling using main road, we stopped at pump station. Buang minyak, 100Plus, refill and re-fresh. Another 50-40km more. Dah tengah rembang dah. Budak sekolah pon dah balik dah.
From AS, we ride together. Until at Simpang Empat, aku break. Speed-up and maintain top speed for 5minutes then slow-down, wait for others. Before reach Guar Chempedak, again we stop for drinks. Can't resisted ayeq tebu tengah dok mesin + air nira nipah - Sejuk. Peh! tersandaq kat bangku malas taukey tu.
Then slowly kayuh back to Semeling. Other continue kayuh balik ke Jetty Semeling. 8km more for them. My total distance was 139km.
Next day, sakit habis bahu2. Panas badan. Rasa macam nak demam but not and sunburn.
What a ride.. can't wait for next week menu.
Cilaka: Jatuh gerek with both feet stuck on clipper pedal while waiting for team.
Learned: Take off the clip shoes if stop, even for a few second.
Learned: Need to loose weight - gemuk.
Mouse over the photos for description

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** jeles jeles
kamera simpan kat mana dude?? dlm poket baju ke?
bola2api, at 11:31 am
perh 120km ... tabik spring beb!!!
Well done. Bila nak kayuh mai Ipoh??? hehehe
The Eraser, at 3:35 pm
huiyoo... pemandangan "indah" belaka... yg scene shot dr belakang tu lah... hehehehehe... :)
Anonymous, at 4:13 pm
Bola2api: Taruh dlm poket doraemon.
Eraser: TQ. Melereeett...
N: Ya laaa.. tu gambaq pak itam.
aharis, at 1:41 pm
where are the pictures??.. anyway from the way you told the story.... i believe that it was hell of an exciting trip...., if i only had the "clik" to do this type of activities..., like mountain climbing...., if planning any trips to the mountains and you are missing one crew.... don't think twice..., call me..., i'll be willing to join... irwan 03-83185511
Anonymous, at 3:54 pm
where are the pictures??.. anyway from the way you told the story.... i believe that it was hell of an exciting trip...., if i only had the "clik" to do this type of activities..., like mountain climbing...., if planning any trips to the mountains and you are missing one crew.... don't think twice..., call me..., i'll be willing to join... irwan 03-83185511
Anonymous, at 3:55 pm
What pics? That was a very hot and tiring ride. Too much "stop-pit". R u runner/cyclist or extreme sport fan?.. Mostly my events are in this blog. Ok. No probs. Keep in-touch ya..
aharis, at 2:15 pm
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