Selamat Menyambut Ramadan Al-Mubarak 1428H
Saya terlebih dahulu memohon maaf jika saya ada berbuat kesalahan, baik yang tidak di sengaja maupun yang di sengaja, semoga kita dapat menjalani ibadah puasa dengan khusyuk, diberkati dan dirahmati Allah S.W.T.
Usually i like to put a target in each race such as top10, personal-best-time, fun, easy, meleleh ayeq idung or etc. It's good to have one. And i know where my direction and heading to. It's OK if not achieved it. At least i already do my best. Beside that i will learn/seek the failure causes.. probably beli kasut baru :) kaa.. need more training, panjat more bukit or do x-training.
For this coming Ramadhan..
Insyaallah.. my target, i will not tinggal any solat fardu (a must sembahyang events). FYI, muslim we have 5 praying times in a day. *Subuh@05:52am, Zohor@1:16pm, Asar@4:20pm, Magrib@7:24pm and Isya'@8:28. All the solat must perform before next solat time
*Current solat time at Zone Jerai, Kedah.
If these could achieved.. then i will celebrate a meaningful of Aidilfitri this year.
Selamat berpuasa pada kawan muslim.
Usually i like to put a target in each race such as top10, personal-best-time, fun, easy, meleleh ayeq idung or etc. It's good to have one. And i know where my direction and heading to. It's OK if not achieved it. At least i already do my best. Beside that i will learn/seek the failure causes.. probably beli kasut baru :) kaa.. need more training, panjat more bukit or do x-training.
For this coming Ramadhan..
Insyaallah.. my target, i will not tinggal any solat fardu (a must sembahyang events). FYI, muslim we have 5 praying times in a day. *Subuh@05:52am, Zohor@1:16pm, Asar@4:20pm, Magrib@7:24pm and Isya'@8:28. All the solat must perform before next solat time
*Current solat time at Zone Jerai, Kedah.
If these could achieved.. then i will celebrate a meaningful of Aidilfitri this year.
Selamat berpuasa pada kawan muslim.
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Marhaban yaa Ramadan!! Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa dgn penuh keberkatan.. lama dah cheq x singgah blog hang ni.. sibuk mengalahkan menteri ler katakan.. hehehe.. OK, take care, baju raya warna sedondon lip-lap-lip-lap brapa helai tawon nie?? :)
NEZZ, at 3:23 pm
Terima kasih. Singgah mai lar.. kelui2 lebih kurang. Menteri pon la ni duduk tak senang dah. Baju raya pon kena catu tinggal sekerat.. bulan Nov byk race. Jom pi Lumut.
aharis, at 12:18 pm
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