Run. Mix. Burn!

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Report: Time Trial

By Aiman Cheah

Date: 05 Disember 2010 | Sunday | 3.30p.m.
Venue: MSN Track
Distance: 5 000m
Result: 32:47

I could have peaked earlier. I just could not find the pace and my body is not in the best condition. I was never close to the half hour mark for the whole week. I just hope I won't be doing any worse in the next few days. I am sort of mentally prepared for the worst and to be lapped many times by those international walkers.

I left my watch at home. Luckily the hp could record up to 50 lap times. I missed the time on the 8th lap probably because the phone was ringing, pressing it meant to take the call and not to record the time!

Training at 3p.m. is something that I am never used to. Too bad that my body could not adjust to the time. It was very torturous in the afternoon heat. I was lucky that Suresh turned up to train at MSN Track on 1st Dec. At least I was more disciplined and managed to complete 10km albeit the time was poor. Without him, it turned worse. I was never disciplined enough to complete the 10 000m I had wished to do

I may just take a break for a day or two from walking. A 'hard' training with Suresh left me with sore muscles for almost two days. Training in the 3.00p.m. heat is certainly no joke.

142:3935:26 (5 400m)

Training prior to the time trial
29 Nov - 10.5km walk - hr 04mins 55secs
30 Nov - 5 400m walk - 36mins 29secs
01 Dec - 10 000m walk - 1hr 05mins 59secs
02 Dec - 5 200m walk - 33mins 19secs
03 Dec - 10.5km run - 1hr 12mins 23secs

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