Run. Mix. Burn!

Saturday, 31 December 2005

New Year, new me.

This new year, maybe I'll be selective a bit especially event out of northern region. Alauddin start preparing to go to kindergarten. I'm more concern about him. Send him to different kindergarten. Different in-term of bahasa pengantaraan which I'm also don't understand. Just receive a support from friend family who already did. - Do i risk my own son? Yep.. i take full responsible.

For 2006, setup-up another 2 target.
1. Dualthlon. Probably will take part at Lumut and Powerman.
2. Skyrunner. What is skyrunner?

Running from the sea to the sky, from the plains to the earth's highest peaks
- that's skyrunning.
Touching the sky - reaching the top of that mountain with your legs and lungs
- that's skyrunning.

I'm already fall in love in trail run after SKN Gunung Jerai and Kerachut. Trail run gave me different perspective, it's not about speed. It’s about a challenge from nature. For this, i plan to register the final circuit of Sky Runner World Series: Kinabalu Climbathon 2006 - "The World's Tougest Mountain Race!"

Tough?! Yeekk..
Tough.. because I’m not a pro. I don’t have any sponsor or receive $$$ on my effort and yet need to struggle with training, $$$ and a family man. - It about life.

People are often unreasonable,
illogical and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind,
People may accuse you
of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be Kind anyway.

If you are successful,
you will win some false friends and
some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank,
people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building,
someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis.
it is between you and God;
It is never between you and them anyway.

- Mother Teresa. She hung a copy of this poem on a wall of the orphanage she founded in Calcutta.

Happy New Year!!

2005 in Review

01. Number of events participated = 27. Every month got event
02. The less event in a month = Jun. Only 1. Jogathon Hidup Sihat
03. The most event in a month = 5 in August. 5, 7, 20, 27 and 30th of August
04. The longest distance = 42km
05. The shortest distance = 3km
06. 42km event = 2
07. > 21km and < 42km event = 1 (32km)
08. 21km event = 5
09. > 10km and < 21km event = 2
10. 10km event = 5
11. < 10km event = 12
12. Personal best of full marathon = 4:41.01
13. Personal best of half marathon = 1:37.49
14. Personal best of 10km = 44.42
15. Trophy = 1
16. Plaque = 1
17. Medal = 18
16. Road race = 24
17. Trail race = 3
18. The most enjoyable event = Larian Aids
19. The most struggling/tekan event = Kerachut Conversation Run
20. The worst organized event = Bukit Larut Off-Trail
21. The best organized event = KRI 10 Road Race
22. Champion: Once. Temasya Sukan
23. Total run event distance = 394.84 (without training)
24. 2005 Target achieved = 2. Full marathon and Duathlon relay

..gila! Thinking back.. 2005, i was run like mad cow. Wallop any event and sometimes almost bertekak with Cikgu.

2003 Target
- Penang Bridge
2004 Target
- Run again
2005 Target
- Marathoner
- Duathlon relay

Thursday, 29 December 2005

Report Larian Aids

Larian Aids / Aids Run organized by Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Kedah with conjunction of Aids Day held at Taman Jublee, Sungai Petani on 24 Dec. Same place where the Larian Perbandaran was held last year. I’m still got fear to participate any run event organized by government agency, especially for first time. But.. consider it’s local event (10mins drive), free registration, offer 30 prize, <7km and I know the roads very well - hey! Why not..

Comments on the registration form..
1. Larian AIDS ini terbuka seluruh warga negeri Kedah
- Run event should open to everybody. Regardless of age, gender or where he/she come from.
2. No route map
- They should include route map and measure it properly. Don't just tembak/blindly-estimate
3. Peserta perlu menjawap beberapa soalan sebagai syarat penyertaan, namun ianya tidak menjejaskan pernyertaan.
- Apa nie?..
4. Flag-off time?
- In Registration form said 8am. Promotion form, indicate 7:30-8:30 (Pendaftaran/registration) and no flag-off time mention.

Registration booth to pick-up bib#

Anyway, I reach Taman Jublee at 7:30am with kids and Cikgu. Long queue to register and pick-up bib#. Meet-up and chat with fellow runners from BM, Jitra and Alor Star. R.Muniandy with his flanks also here. Habis laa.. top 3 depa sapu.

Aerobic exercise.

8:30am no sign the race to start. Runners need to perform aerobic exercise for 20mins. With oldies songs and extra-size of instructor. She should join the run after this.

Are you ready?!

Alauddin participate in coloring contest.

9:00am - Flag-off.
Most of runners run like baru lepas kandang. Zoooom! - Clear! Left me behind - Hantu!
500m - depa start jalan. :P

Less 5km. Ceeh. Thought they using Larian Perbandaran route.
Taman Jublee - Army camp - Sekolah Al-Jefri - Masjid - Penghulu Him junction and back to Taman Jublee.

Overtook usual runners. Try to overtake new musuh from Jitra - ceehh laju dia. 1km more, kena potong by senior indian runner. Unable to catch-up. Maintain the pace until finish line.

At finish line

Alhamduliah.. got 10th - top 10!
Najib got 6th. His Jr got 13th in "18yrs and below" category. Good enough for 12yrs old boy.

For 10th position, i got medal with hamper. Then we're hit for lucky draw - Cikgu gumbira receive an umbrella. Actually we want to buy one. - Rezeki.

Medal ceremony and waiting for lucky draw

After medal ceremony, the organized ask all audience to wait for while. A lorry with boxes of lunch is on the way!! - Fulamak free lunch plak.

While waiting for lunch, undergo free health test from Jabatan Kesihatan.
Age: 30
Height: 167
Weight: 61
BMI (Body Mass Index): 21.8
RBS (Random Blood Sugar): 5.8 mmol/L
Blood Pressure: 120/80
Comment: A living sample!

Lunch.. Chicken rice - Gabuih 6boxes. Nasi tambah..

Before went home, i saw boxes of larian AIDS t'shirt - Is it "500 pendaftaran peserta terawal akan menerima hadiah cenderahati"? - heemmm.. they not given.. huh

Anyway - Puashati.
1. Free registered
2. Free breakfast and post-race drinks
3. Target achieved
4. Got Year End Medal
5. Hamper
6. Hit a lucky draw
7. and a free lunch for a family

Then we head to Tupah waterfall.

Tuesday, 27 December 2005

Report Starwalk at Penang

Morning. At non-competition location.

Starwalk Penang 2005. Sea of Non-competition category. More than 10k.

Walking to start line.

@1km. Struggling and motivated kids to continue walk. Keep talking and playing with them. We were left behind.

@2km. Still having fun. Nearly ran out of inspiration for them. Alauddin start mumbling. So i gave him a camera to snap us. - He was happy for awhile.

@3km. We were far left behind. Alauddin.. don't want to walk anymore. He stop & sat on road divider. KFC or McDonald - also no appetited. Suddenly, he found video cassette ribbon beside him. I tight it into wrist-band. ...and yes!!! he start ran and faster.

We were last. Escorted by Police's 4x4. Cikgu surrender. Ask the policeman in 4x4 for a ride - No!.

Me, Jasmin and Alauddin still having fun. Playing with a ribbon. A least i could cheer him to continue walk and this road were ours'.

@4km. Alauddin really exhausted. Cikgu pun surrender and pity for Alauddin. Then, an ambulance van came. Ask for a ride. Inside - got more walkers.

Load them inside and i continue RUN! to finish line. - Hey! i'm non-competition category... ok!

Having alot of drinks

Post-race drinks

Didn't go for lucky draw inside PISA stadium. Penat kepala-hotak.

You guys.. haaaah! having fun yet??!!

Friday, 16 December 2005

Lari... Laaarrriiii

Siemens Run 2006
Date: 15 January 2006
Venue: Dataran Merdeka, K.Lumpur
Time: 7.30 AM
Distance: 10, 7 & 2km

Taiping Tycoon Run
Date: 8 January 2006
Venue: Taiping
Distance: 10km and 7km
Contact: 016-5246226, 0195507252
Form can be download at Forms & Events section.

Ambank Kuala Lumpur International Marathon 2006
Date: 5 MAR 2006 (SUNDAY)
Venue: Dataran Merdeka, K.Lumpur

Saberkas International Marathon 2006
Date: 26 March 2005
Venue: Kuching
Categories: Full & Half Marathon, 10km for Veteran and Junior

Wednesday, 14 December 2005

Another run report..

Another Kerachut Conservation Run report from Penang runner
Mr.. iayaahh forgot his name and his gf. A running couple.

..nice to meet you. twy!

For Sale

Bought the Air Pegasus 2005 model last month at Penang. So far i'm very comfortable with Pegasus model especially on long run workout.

My previous model was Pegasus 2002. Already 2 years. Wear it for training and race. Thought to have another pair.

The problem was, i bought wrong/small size. Ingat kasi fit dgn kaki boleh lari laju.

Old - Pegasus 2002
Size: 10(U.S) or 9(U.K)

New - Air Pegasus 2005
Size: 9.5(U.S) or 8.5(U.K)

The Air Pegasus 2005 already wore twice. Both 10km test drive at Lake Garden and home route which i did personal best 10km training. For short distance <10km it's fine to me.. but more than that.. feel uncomfortable.

Bought it RM 349.00. Still got the box and receipt. Condition OK. I'm wore socks during training.

So decide to sell it /letak harga /harga buka mulut .. RM 300.

If i could sold it... for sure i buy same model with 10(US size)

Anybody interested?

..price can neg laa..

Tuesday, 13 December 2005

Larian Sukaria

Date: 18 December 2005 (Sunday)
Time: 8am - 1pm
Venue: Pan Pacific, KLIA. Sepang
Contact: 03-8787 3333 (Aniza Mansor)
Team running: 8pax per team (RM500)
Info website

Larian ini merupakan acara tahunan untuk Dana Institut Penyelidikan Kanser Nilai. Ia terbuka kepada semua. Satu pasukan harus mempunyai 8 orang peserta. Hadiah-hadiah lumayan menanti para pemenang.

Detail and form can be download at Forms and Events section

Report Kerachut Conservation Run

Wake-up 4:30am. Light breakfast. Angkut kids in-side car. Wore sarong+kepiah prepare for Subuh. Drove to Penang. Stop at Sg Dua PLUS tol for subuh. Missed a 6:30am ferry. 7:15am reach Penang. Continue to Teluk Bahang. 8am @ Dewan MPPP Teluk Bahang the Starting point. Reach too early. Kids still sleep. Registered and meet-up with En. Rahim the anchor-man of Kerachut Conservation Run and programme committee. Race start 9am after briefing and rules while running in Penang National Park (PNP).

Rules same like SKN Gunung Jerai
1. Runners will be given a bottle of mineral water.
2. Need to hand over the same bottle at finishing line.
3. Exchange water bottle at check-point at Meromictic Lake.
4. Distance >< 7km = 2km tarmac + 5km (trail +hiking +sand beach)

Greeted by one of my blog readers - TQ 4 visiting.

Nearly 50-40 registered in Men category. Elite runners + familiar faces < 10. Not so many registered.. maybe because of Penang Starwalk on Sunday - Simpan tenaga kot.

Walked thru a very beatiful trophy and plaque.
"Insyallah.. top 10 - can" said to cikgu
"Target #10 ka?" - duh! cabar nih...

Run event were one of activities organized by En. Rahim and Co. There were coloring contest, traditional sports, exhibitions and etc. until Sunday. – Siap ada kenduri lagik.

@ 9am - Flag Off.

Route: Dewan MPPP Teluk Bahang to A (PNP entrance)
1km of tarmac. Start with normal pace. Hot. Increased a bit. Pom-pom by locals. Able to potong most of runners. Elite group still infront. Control breath. At Jeti, start run on hilly small road to PNP entrance.

Route: A to F. 2.5km
The real adventure start here, where i start put the target for this run.
"As far as i could SEE those who're infront - Siap ko! / Be prepare!"

Trail route. Lecah. Roots. Slippery. A lot of cement stairs. Run uphill. Downhill. No flat trail. Not so bad as Gunung Jerai. No need to climb. The route was well marked by organizer. They put stripe tapes to close junctions. A direction signs were marked along the route. Rangers or sukarelawan were there, with walkie-talkies. A well prepared.

Focus to my run. Potong 3 runners. But one of them.. kept tailing me. A young man <25yrs. We kept overtook with each other.

400metre to F /check point (CP) /Meromictic lake. Tought i left him dah jauh.
Ran on sand beach. Couldn't ran fast on it. Step on grass. Around Meromictic Lake. Pick-up hand-band.

Route: F to A. 2.5km
During briefing, understand.. at CP, those need water. Can exchange the water bottle.

The volunteer urged me to exchange the water bottle. I gave NO sign. Again they shout.
"Kena tukaq laa.. tak faham ka.. masa briefing tadi.."
Said nothing.. just exchange my quarter filled bottle with new one. Too heavy. Drink abit while on running and empty the bottle again. - Waste.

And again i was dipotong by young man again. - Pundek!

Potong balik. Then i heading to wrong route. Luckily the baguih young men - called. Again he ahead. Tailing him for 10mins. Unable to gave yellow signal. Too narrow. Then crossing the river on cement bridge. Pecut. Left him quite far. Uphill. Tak bagi chance. Try to breakaway.

Then saw another runner infront. Struggling and climbing the stairs. Again. Potong. Downhill... use technique that i learn at SKN Jerai. Breakaway during uphill.

Then saw an indian runner while running down. Again. Pulun turun selajunya. Didn't use cement stair. Sakit. Potong and pecut lagi. Never looked behind. Just speed to PNP entrance.

Route: A - Dewan MPPP Teluk Bahang
Flat and tar road. Run with all my heart. Not seen other infront. I know the indian guy is elite runner. Kang dia potong balik.. – frust!

The best part...
Very exhausted. 10am. Damn hot. Then... never in my running life, i was escort like elite runner by police bike for 1km. Peehhhh.. that time only me on road. Locals pom-pom along the road. Can't tahan the heat and exhausted...
"Jauh lagi kaa.." ask to the policeman.
"Dekat dah..."
"Tak nampak pun.."

Want to walk but..... had to control laaa.. escort by police!!

Finally at finish line. En Rahim, wife and kids were waiting.
Hiss.. betul2 i press this time. Betul2 puashati and all-out. Drink once on the run.

My timing same with the Official
1:00.42 = 30.33 + 30.09

MEN Category
01. 038 Baskaran A/L Kuppusamy 49:30
02. 206 Ooi Sian Tieh 54:20
03. 003 Teh Siew Beng 56:10
04. 032 Mohamad Zulkifly 56:55
05. 201 Abdul Haris Shariff 1:00.42
06. 047 Mohd Azri Azmi 1:01.50
07. 205 Loh Hooi Keat 1:02:04
08. 014 Mohd Hizir Hussain 1:02.24
09. 037 Ganesan A/L Nagenathan 1:02.57
10. 203 Daud Elfran Rahim 1:03.26

WOMEN Category
01. 409 K.Kamala Devi 1:11.49
02. 413 Chong Ah Tin 1:13.36
03. 410 N.Vithiaa 1:15.13
04. 412 Joan Lee Hsian Hui 1:35.13
05. 403 Nurul Izani 2:03.48
06. 411 Yeap Kim Hei 2:05.40
07. 416 Sharifah Nurhidayah 2:06.46
08. 415 Siti Nursyirah 2:20.27
09. 404 Noor Hasni 2:20.30
10. 405 Zanita Mohd Ismail 2:20.36

Got Piala Pusingan.
Trophy 1-3 cantek gila..
and 4-10 position pun okay jugak... - a plaque.

Meromictic Lake is a unique lake. Only one in South East Asean. Should come for visit.