Run. Mix. Burn!

Tuesday, 21 March 2006

Larian Bendang - Postpone!

Sadly to say.. Larian Bendang postpone to 1st July.
The Hijau-Kuning stadium still under renovation for SUKMA 2006.
Organizer tel: 04-7312288 / 012-4028730

Yaaap! more reason to gantung my legs earlier. Can't tahan already. Probably will rest for 3-4 weeks from running.

Time, for me to look for x-training.

Friday, 17 March 2006

Family day @ Taman

Day: Sunday
Date: 12 March 2006
Time: 7:30am
Venue: Taman Semeling Indah, Bedong, Kedah

Next day after SKN Jerai, my taman committee organized a family day. Alot of family activities especially for kids and parents. Kutip gula2, makan epal, isi air dalam botol, punggai (baling) plastik air, jalan ikat kaki and Mini-mini-mini-mini marathon - a suggestion from Cikgu. Run around taman. Probably 2-2.5km.

Earlier, thought that nobody interested in running event. 3-4 days before, Cikgu informed that neighbourhood kids start training around the route.

Start 7:30am. Parents category. - Not took part. Kaki out - Jadi cameraman. Then tadika (pre-school), primary school and secondary school category.

Alauddin who just came out from GH yesterday. Won 1st place in tadika category. Everybody shocked.. even cikgu and me.

I miss Alauddin crossing finish line moment..

Girls category

Finish line

Boys primary school category, ready...

Priiiiittt... Flag-off by Pak Tam Maideen


Around taman

Alauddin's best friends


Winner pre-school category

Marathon.. finished. Next.. acara padang

Jasmin, kutip gula-gula cekelat

How many you got?

Fill-up water into bottle


Makan epal


Nak lagi?

Me.. acara punggai ayeq dalam plastik

Lumba jalan ikat kaki

..Setiausaha bahagian wanita

Jalan dalam guni

Soru time.

Berebut gulai

Jasmin and Alauddin with another best friend - Asraf

Pak Tam, VIP.. apa-kenama-tah and Chairman


Wednesday, 15 March 2006

Report: SKN Jerai II

1. Elite category
Was registered under elite category after saw list of open category late evening. More than 70 runners registered compare to elite.. <10. Thailand runners also have to register in Elite category. And I know more elite runners were on the way.

Discussed with Najib – we go for Elite.Najib target for top10 places and I’m target for medal… - top20

Race day. After wake-up. Was dreamed last night, that I’am >20 finishers – no medal. Decide to change category as the registration still open. Elite >30. But Najib said "Tawakal ajer"

2. Gearbox
First km of the run, the marshal watches us run to wrong trail. Dia tak kata apa – Cilakak!. I was far behind the elite group. Suddenly they ran back.
"Silap jalan ni… patah balik pi kat marshal"

While running back and cross the river, I lost control after step on batu tepi sungai..
Jatuh.. lutut aku jatuh dulu dan kena batu.
"Sh**t" terkeluar dari mulut aku..

Hayun!.. belum naik gunung lagi..Lutut aku memang pieeeeee.. even jumpa flat trail pun aku tak mampu nak lari dah. Bengkek!! Tengok musuh (same category) just 5-10 meter – tak boleh potong.

3. Acrobatics stunt
This time a lot of acrobatics and stunts I did compare to last year. Tersungkur, terduduk, tergelincir, tertomouih, berdarah terpegang pelepah berduri.
Even junior category pon potong aku.

4. Timing
Reached Elite check-point/U-turn after 1:58mins run. Last year 1:51mins. Lari 7mins. Dapat sampai pencawang pun dah cukup bersyukur dah… Turun – takpa.. boleh bergolek +gelunsoq.

Lari turun – fail
Jalan turun - pass

Try to ligan musuh depan aku. A24. Dia ni kejap depan aku. Kejap hilang. Kejap ada. Hilang. kaki sudah lembik. Lari pun bersepah. Finished 20sec behind him.

Official timing
Cross finish line: 12:02.21pm
Flag-off: 8:30am
Running: 3:32:21
Position: 16

My stopwatch
Run up: 1:58.56
Run down: 1:33.24
Running: 3:32.20

Last year
Run up: 1:51
Run down: 1:31
Running: 3:22:56
Position: 9

Akibatnye.. terbang RM50. Last cash prize for 15th position in Elite category – Pap! Pap!

5. Adidas Savage
# Tak bleh harap punya kasut.
# Cause me 3 spots of blister.
# Hard to maneuver. – Nampak akar + kayu depan, tapi susah mau elak.
# Tapak kasut keras – almost cause me jatuh tersungkoq 3 to 4 times.
# One of my toes sudah tak ada darah. Think 1-2 bulan lagi sure tercabut kuku kaki.
# Test on training run thru trail – Fail, elok buat pakai jalan.
# ..return back to Nike

6. Medal
After all those terrible things happen + alauddin admit to GH. The Organizer forced the winners to wait until late evening for medal ceremony (at 4pm). Tunggu orang besar. Can’t wait. Need to go to GH. Najib received it on my behalf.

At night Najib called. Finishers 11th -20th kena buat lakonan drama dipentas after waiting for so long until 4pm to receive the medal. They said medal tak dan siap and will send it by post – Hah!! Another kinda IIR disaster ka?


Tuesday, 14 March 2006

SKN Gunung Jerai Result

Elite Category Flag-off 08:30am
1. A13 Rosli Rumia - 10:36.02am
2. A02 Shahrudin - 10:42.50am
3. A07 Naria (Tha) - 10:48.18am

A: Elite
B: Men Open
B: Men Open (2nd sheet)
C: Women Open
D: Men Veteran
E: Women Veteran
F: Boys Junior

Result from Utusan Malaysia on monday 13th Mac 2006

Najib = A12
Mine = A08. Thought #8 ada "ong" compare to last year "007"... but meleset meleret.

Lebih teroookk dari last year. I mean, my performance, running, gears, medal, timing and to add more "Sudah jatuh terduduk, tersungkor, tergolek-dog ditimpa tangga plak". Alauddin was send to G.Hospital at Sungai Petani. Slipped onto stone slope masa mandi air terjun while waiting me finish the run.

Quickly after finish the run, rush to GH with Najib's car and still wearing my running vest and tight.

Cikgu inform that his face was badly scratched and clinic's doctor recommend to go to private or GH, perform a X-ray/scan to detect any internal bleeding.

His Opah+Atuk also rush from Taiping after received news from Cikgu.

Luckily, late evening doctor said OK - tarak masalah.. inside.
9pm baru keluar wad. Cuma cedera ringan/calar skit kat pipi. - lega...
4 months ago.. sudah kena jahit 2 jarum kat kening - Jatuh gerek!
= habis ke-handsome-an dia....

....sambung lagik

Monday, 13 March 2006

Larian Amal Jelita Bersamamu

Date: 30 April '06, 6:30am
Venue: Dataran Merdeka, KL
Distance: 5km and 7km

Download the form at Form and Event section.

Rosli ungguli kategori elit

Utusan Malaysia. 13 Mac 2006

SUNGAI PETANI - Bekas Raja Kembara Negara, Rosli Rumia mengungguli Sirkit Kembara Negara (SKN) 2006 Zon Satu pendakian Gunung Jerai apabila menjuarai kategori elit, semalam.

Rosli, 35, dari Pusat Cemerlang Olahraga Tentera Darat, Taiping, Perak mengetepikan 28 peserta lain dalam kategori itu dengan catatan 2.06:02s.

Peserta kategori elit tidak dihadkan umur dan merupakan kategori khas yang dipertandingkan bagi merebut gelaran Raja Kembara Negara.

Tempat kedua disandang Shahrudin Hashim dari Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dengan mencatat masa 2.12:50s.

Peserta Thailand, Naria Pandin, 18, menduduki tempat ketiga dengan 2:18:18s.

Sebanyak 279 peserta menyertai SKN 2006 yang dianjurkan oleh Persatuan Kembara Negara (NAA) melibatkan tiga pendakian termasuk Zon Dua di Gunung Tebu, Terengganu pada 22 Julai ini dan sirkit zon tiga di Gunung Nuang, Selangor pada 25 November ini.

Hadiah kepada pemenang disampaikan oleh ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Tanjung Dawai, Datuk Arzmi Abd. Hamid dan Presiden NAA, Datuk Khalid Yunus.

Next circuit..
Zone II:
Mount Tebu, Terengganu
22 July 2006.

Zone III:
Mount Nuang, Selangor
25 November 2006.

Friday, 10 March 2006


Kapla hotak kata "pi"
Kaki kata "piiieeeeee"
Will be going to Merbok late evening after office hour for registration.
Elite or Open Category - depend on list of kaki registered.

If leg permitted try to retain my last year position. Will drive on new Adidas Savage. Cikgu + kids will join me - for picnic and mandi air terjun.

Thursday, 9 March 2006

Report: KLIM 2006

Take-off to KL after pick-up 10 SP runners at their home by chartered van. Everybody seems very excited. One of them will do his first marathon. Usually he is talkative person but along the way – tak banyak cakap. Sepatah tanya, sepatah jawap.

@ Brickfield KL. Kedarah. They stop at Chinese Restaurant – Hantu betul! Terkontang-kanteng aku cari malay stalls 1/2hour pusing area tu. Penuh dengan kedai India. Lastly end up at KFC. Pundek.

@ Wisma OCM. Collect bib#. Depa terkezut. They thought i’ll be running full. They registered my name in Full category since 2 months ago. This group haaaa.. memang gila marathon. No marathon no go. Depa peleceh aku..
"Okay this week.. come on join me run+climb Jerai Mount – trail run!"
Everybody silence...

These veterans runners, their just love + enjoy running marathon and no concern about timing – Finish sudah. But for me… I like both. Enjoy the run and setting the target. Double enjoy. For them marathon is the hardest. - Agreed!

But how about dualthlon, triathlon or ironman?.
..I changed the topic..
"Petang ni kita pi KLCC?"

Achieved a target, Is not accomplishment. It is a beginning to set next target. = Improvement

Check-in at Hotel Grand Central, Jalan Ipoh Kecil. 4 rooms (2 x 2pax + 2 x 3pax). Comfortable. Perform jamak.

@KLCC – ronda2. Bought a trail running shoes at I-Syaitan. Offer 50% discount. Last kopek. No size. Only US 10 1/2. Need it for off-road training, SKN and KK. Adidas Savage model 2005. Maybe kaki sakit pasai Pegasus kecik kot..

@ Petaling street. Ronda2. Others having dinner at Chinatown. Already know their tactic, had dinner earlier at KLCC food court. Terserempak dgn N.. tercangak-cangak cari apa aku pun tak tau… Lalu depan mata dia pon dia tak nampak. Jumpa ApekPG + Alex.

Balik hotel, jamak, borak2 + tutuh pisang x 3.

@ Dataran Merdeka. Join marathon runners’ excitement. Snap photos during flag-off at 5am. >1000 ran for full.

Waiting for Half at 6:30am
Sakit perut! Gila!!.. mobile toilet ada satu saja. Luckily 5:30am. Too early. Not congested yet.

Flag-off of Half category. Standing in the middle of the crowd.

Nothing interested to wrote in my Half this time.

As usual my right leg start giving a bit pain. Really kacau daun. Just put my mp3 player. High volume. Enough to put me from listening outside sound, including my own breath and traffic. I know.. too dangerous to do that if you doing training run. Just follow runners in-front and tailing. Overtook while can.

Why i do that?.. To divert my mind from thinking of leg ache. Kept listening to Men at Work, INXS and Sting. I know i ran damn slow than expected. While crossing 10km mark, my stopwatch shown 48mins - Arrggg... timing lari dah. Expect to cross in 45mins.

Grab and tutuh powergel at 10km mark. Stay quiet. Not talking to anybody since start. Listen to INXS then Sting - King of Pain (Unpluged with Alanis Morisette). Hisss.. pulun lagi.

At Jalan Lapangan Terbang into KL town, try increased my pace. Don't know.. rasa macam dah laju dah. Probably 12km, can't tahan already. Muka sudah keredut macam kulum buah keduak. Buat bodo... terus lari.

Jumpa fun runners group. Maybe finish line not far. Then N kelui aku. Bla..bla.. blaaaa. Terus aku pederas. Want to finish quickly. At Jalan Tun Abdul Razak, saw KLIM tents. Time 1:40mins, speed some more to ligan 1:45mins target. Then the marshal direct me to do another loop into Jalan Raja Laut - Cilakak. Engine slow-down to mach 1, target hancus and slow-jog.

Pick-up blue ribbon, continue into Jalan Tun Abdul Razak and cross finish line at 1:48:43 base on my stopwatch. Rasa kaki mau tercabut. Jalan pun tak betul. Hah! teruk punya timing.

Changed. Took back the luggage. Get refeshment and distribute >100 copies of Larian Bendang Form at Chip refund tent. Then wait for all SP runners finished. Pose sana, pose sini, candid sana, candid sini - Balik hotel.

My official result
Bib#: F0189
Category Ranking: 100
Total Half Ranking: 161
Official time: 1:49:46
Chip time 21km: 1:48:44
Chip time 10km: 0:48:02
Own stopwatch: 1:48:43

Full KLIM 2006 Result