By Aiman CheahDate: 15 January 2011 | Saturday | 9:00am
Venue: Kolej Antarabangsa Ibu Zain, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Distance: 3.5km
Time: 19:52
This run was held in conjunction with the Nature Carnival held by the UKM residential college.
There were a few runners who are not from UKM as the event was in Chap Ayam Runners blog. RM1 was donated to Malaysian Nature Society from each registration fee.
The run was flagged off after warming up session. I had a more relaxed run compared to Moonlight Jogathon. I was the last runner from the start to up to the first 200m.
Luckily enough, I did not end the race with that position. I was not fit enough and knew very well that I would not finish within the top 10 runners where the top 3 would get hampers and up to the 10th position would get medals. A certificate of participation was more than enough for me.
It would have been better if the 'nasi lemak' arrived earlier so that participants could go back after the prize presentation.
My student kept up with his good showing, finishing 5th in this race. I wish he could be consistent for the whole year as next year he may not be able to run as much as he would like to as he would be sitting for the SPM.
Generally I would say it was a good event.
Labels: aiman, report