01. My first run event for 2007
02. Last minutes decision to join KLIM.
03. Run on somebody bib#
04. Stuck dalam bilik air for 3 times.
05. Breakfast with plain water and Powerbar Triple Threat.
06. Reached starting line 5mins before flag-off. I thought 6:30am base on reporting card - lucky me.
XX. Bang - Frankly.. aku rasa bersalah. Will do more sunat.
07. Start far behind the group and a minute half to reach starting line.
08. @10km - My timing away from the target. <50mins.
09. Lupa sedut powergel. - Patut la x power :P
10. Cuaca.. cantek. Still in dark and cold after soak with cold sponges.
11. Left leg - OK. Afraid to pecut more... else unable to run for another months.
12. @11km - Run/pace with Zulazlan. Terkezut dia, ingat aku tak datang KLIM.
13. Some of friends that i chat/hi/sergah on the course - Bose, PakYa(BM), YuSong(BM), A-Swiss-MatSalleh, Zul, KalerBijikRemia, ChinPG, A-Swiss-MatSalleh again. Most of PMs ran full. Where is ketambatu?
14. @18km - Still pacing with Zul.
15. Really hate an extra loop @Jalan TAR and Jalan Raja Laut. Saw a few foreign runners argued with FTAAA who asked them to a loop after the runners already layuq with finish line. - To FTAAA: Pi la cari extra route jauh2 dari finish line. Far from loud music also.
16. Last km to finish line. Zul pecut. Left me with a-swiss-matsalleh again.
17. Pekena a few cups of milo
18. Meet-up with KL friends and the PMs. First time jumpa Stupe, Mary, Azman and also my ex-team CreamCrackers.
19. Cheering other runners. Tup2 ada sorang AhSoh marah2+tak puashati dengan KLIM kat aku. Yep! i agreed.
20. Last year 21km result, 1:48.44. 100th. Tergelincaq skit.
Bib# F2103 Offcial time: 1:53:28
Chip time 21km: 1:52:03
Chip time 10km: 0:54:20
My stopwatch.05km = 25.31
10km = 53.29
21km = 1:52.02
My 21km timing exactly with chip time.
The F Category position: 102/655
Overall men 21km category position: 165/1214
Mouse over the photos for description![Registration booths](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/aharis/KLIM07/DSCN9044.jpg)
![Tey @25km](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/aharis/KLIM07/DSCN5916.jpg)
![ChinPG heading to finish line](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/aharis/KLIM07/DSCN5932.jpg)
![Chew+Janggut cedera. Jiwa kacau tak boleh lari.](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/aharis/KLIM07/DSCN9053.jpg)
![YuSong. Lumba jalan kaki](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/aharis/KLIM07/m_DSCN9055.jpg)
![Yaziz: Hahaa.. hang ka!!](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/aharis/KLIM07/m_DSCN9061.jpg)
![Mahadhir. A guy that chat during my 1st marathon.](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/aharis/KLIM07/m_DSCN9065.jpg)
![Azwar + Loong](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/aharis/KLIM07/DSCN9071.jpg)
![BijikRemia + F00k](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/aharis/KLIM07/DSCN9074.jpg)
![Photo from Tey @17km](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/aharis/KLIM07/Haris-FrmTey.jpg)
![From Chew cam, heading to finish.. yeah!](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/aharis/KLIM07/DSCN5907.jpg)
![Oppss a loop first - Cilakak!](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/aharis/KLIM07/DSCN5908.jpg)
![Yeah! Got pink ribbon. A-swiss-MatSalleh behind.](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/aharis/KLIM07/DSCN5914.jpg)
![With Chew](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/aharis/KLIM07/DSCN5946.jpg)
![Janggut with Full champ utk mencuba pegang cheque RM38k.](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/aharis/KLIM07/DSCN5954.jpg)