Run. Mix. Burn!

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Report: Merentas Desa Terbuka POWP KL / Milo ke 28 - 2013

By Aiman Cheah

Date: 20 January 2013| Sunday | 7:30am
Venue: Tapak 'C' (Boat House) Taman Botani Tasik Perdana, Kuala Lumpur
Category: H (Kids Run Boy)
Category: J (Kids Run Girls)
Distance: 2.3km
Result: finishing certificate
Time: unrecorded

The children taking part in this events were certainly not 'fun' runners. Afiqah did put extra effort compared to previous runs and certainly it was not good enough. She was about 5 minutes late to get the last medal - 30th placing. Akmal was having a good time and only reached about 10 minutes after his sister.

They had a good time at the children's playground after the run while waiting for me to end my duty.

Events news at TheStar:Metro.

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Monday, 28 January 2013

Save Our Rainforest Race

Date: 02 March 2013 | Saturday | 8:30am
Venue: Chamang Waterfall in Bentong, Pahang
Distance: 10km team of 2 people  (peaceful walk not running/racing)
Contact: 017-318 2733 (Jules) or 012-356 4717 (Sara)

Registration fee is RM80 and online registration here.

..from Aiman Cheah and TheStar.

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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Charity Walk for Mosque Walls

Date: 24 February 2013 | Sunday | 7:30am (thai)
Venue: Satun, Thailand
Distance: 2, 4.5 and 10.5km

I do not know exact event name. It's a charity event to seek fund for mosque.

I will take part insyallah. With or without finish medal. Plus... I never in Satun, Thailand yet.

..from AlexOng aka Tajuddin

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First MAF Walk Circuit 2013

Date: 03 February 2013 | Sunday | 7:00am
Venue: Taman Botani, Tasik Perdana, Kuala Lumpur
Distance: 3km, 5km, 10km and 20km

First of 3 circuits to seek new talents. First top 10 finishers will receive a medal.

Detail and form at website above

..from Aiman Cheah

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Monday, 7 January 2013

Run For Sight 2013

Date: Sunday 10 march 2013 | 6:30am
Venue: Center Park, 1U Damansara
Distance: 5km

A charity 5km blindfold run jointly organized by persatuan Glaucoma malaysia and Save Ones Sight Missions, held in conjunction with World Glaucoma Week 2013.

Registration must be with 2 runners. RM30 for student and adult team is RM50.

Probably 2012 race report by Aiman could be your tongkat

..from Aiman Cheah

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Sunday, 6 January 2013

Report: Penang Beach Run

Date: 25 November 2012 | Sunday | 7:00am
Venue: Golden Sand Resort, Batu Ferringghi, Penang
Distance: 8.2km | 9th | Time 38.12

Bersempena Penang Beach Carnival (PBC) 2012, acara larian adalah acara pertama dalam program PBC. Terdapat pelbagai acara lagi dipertandingkan seperti bola tampar pantai, memancing, fotografi, sand castle, tarik tali, Mr.Penang, tarian, masakan, pelbagai lagi dan petandingan Tanglung sebagai acara penutup.

Bagi aku, acara ini merupakan larian pantai yang ketiga, bermula dilokasi yang sama. Pada 2007 ia dikenali sebagai Joy Run kemudian pada 2011 Race Against Time: Run For Life, ianya dianjur bersama oleh Jabatan Kesihatan kalau tak silap aku. Masa tu depa dok promote orang ramai untuk menjadi penderma organ. Ketika itu t'shirt larian agak menarik - ditaja oleh Brooks.

Seperti biasa Beach Run memang dinantikan, tambahan pula cuti penggal sekolah telah bermula. Ia seperti acara keluarga bagi aku. Aku syiok layan berlari manakala bebudak gumbira layan mandi pantai - Semua gumbira. Mai tang part minum... diaorang pakat-pakat beratur belakang aku ambik 100Plus :)

Jarak larian di pantai kali ini agak pendek sikit berbanding sebelum. Jika 2011, ia bermula di belakang Hotel Shangri La (ada kawasan hutan sikit dibelakang starting line), tapi kali ni dihadapan sedikit, mengadap Golden Sand Resort - kira2 100m~200m kehadapan dari tahun lepas.

Sambutan agak memberangsangkan. Ramai yang turut serta. Tapi kakis... kureng. Mungkin tiada hadiah berupakan wang tunai yang boleh menarik perhatian. Pendaftaran pon cukop murah - cuma RM3 sahaja. sebab tu... tiada t'shirt diberikan. Niat aku mai, cuma nak bagi bebudak seronok aja main pasir/mandi pantai. Larian cuma sampingan sebab tak dak finisher medal. Kalau depa seronok, aku tumpang sekaki.

Macam biasa... berlari atas pasir pantai cukop derita. Pasir sedut kasut aku. Lagi tekan untuk pecut... lagi kuat pasir sedut kaki. Nak lari atas pasir basah, ombak kerap sangat naik. Layan pantai 800m sebelum naik ke jalan raya Batu Ferringhi. Lega banyak. Dapat sayur dan disayur.

Macam tu laaahh syiok masuk acara larian. Hari tu aku potong dia, hari ni dia potong aku... . Lepas habis lari nanti pakat-pakat la gelak sesama sambil minum milo atau 100Plus berkole-kole. Personal Best (PB) bukan target aku dah. Cuma kekadang tu aku paksa fizikal aku, boleh pi takat mana.

Sebaik sampai garisan penamat, terus aku capai kamera. Tembak sana-sini. Sampai tang keputusan - terkejut gak. Aku ingat aku disqualified sebab pakai bib terbalik. Patut 9099 aku pakai 6609.

Patut la masa u-turn tak ada sesapa pon selisih yang pakai kepala 6. Yang ada pon kategori pompuan. Tu pon bib kaler merah. AKu punya biru - Kacau.

Dapat 9th. Medal cuma 10keping aja. Fuh! gumbira. Keputusan resmi kat sini.

Alang2 mai jauh, kitaorang tunggu sampai habih sambil mandi pantai. Tup2 nombor cabutan bertuah yang buang oleh Fansuri kedalam kotak, naik - kena 2nd prize!

Rezeki.. alhamdulillah.

The Running Cikgu - Cikgu Zul and Cikgu YuSong

Pemancing pon dah warm-up sama.

Garry. Orang kuat Valdor Run.

Fansuri aka KakCik

Buah-tangan dari Fansuri


Thursday, 3 January 2013

Report: Larian Morib 2012

Date: 30 December 2012 | Sunday | 7:30am
Venue: Morib Beach, Kuala Langat, Selangor
Category: G (Men Open 10 years and above)
Distance: 5km
Result: Finisher Medal
Time: 26mins 19secs

A 'cheap' event at RM10 per participant. I reached at the venue at around five past seven. I heard the annoucement that the flag off would be soon. It could not be because the 5km was supposed to start at half past seven. The sky was getting darker and it looked like it was going to pour soon. It did and the participants ran helter skelter looking for shelter.

I was not panicked as I had an umbrella with me.

Then about a quarter past seven the runners were called to the starting line. It was the start of the 12km category. Actually, the flag off had been delayed.

It was only drizzling by the time my category was flag off. I ran a slow race..... the was I had been 'training'. The route was almost parallel to the beach so the runners could enjoy the sea view. The wind could be strong at times.

There were more than five runners coming back before I reached the U-turn. That was very normal at my snail's pace. I was comfortable because I was not overtaken by other runners after 5 minutes of running - probably I was as the back of the grid!

I felt just as good as the Chardikala Run and I was happy to get a finisher medal - the first medal in an open race since Larian Menara Condong dan Bendang in Teluk Intan since April. Well outside top 20 and well outran by 10-12yrs old boys!

About 20 metres from the finishing line. Courtesy of Mr Yum Kin Kok who tagged my photo.

I find the event was a little dragging as the lucky draws ended at noon! Akmal with the running bib D119 won a hamper.

Wishing all readers Happy New Year 2013.

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