Run. Mix. Burn!

Friday, 28 September 2007

Larian Mesra

Conjunction with 200th Police Day celebrations.

Date: 28 October 2007
Venue: Dataran Ipoh, Perak
Distance: 5km and 10km
Organizer: Perak Police and Lions Clubs of Ipoh.
Telephone: Sgt. Ramli 05 245-1167 or Justin Koo 012 512-7381

Entry forms are also available from Perak Police Contingent Headquarters, PAAA and all police stations in Perak.

..from NSTonline


Tuesday, 25 September 2007

4th Penang International 12 Hour Walk

Date: 24 November 2007
Venue: Esplanade, Georgetown, Penang (Padang Kota)
Distance: Takat mana yang larat.
Fee: RM40 <= 30 Sept, RM50 <= 1-30 Oct and RM80 >= 1 Nov.

This time no team relay and medal awarded to those who completed >24km (men) or > 18km (women).

2005 - i walked.
2006 - i pom-pom.

Let's have fun and enjoy the Padang Kota night scenery with angin laut dingin yang sepoi-sepoi gitu. :P

Form available at Forms and Events section.

..thanks to Jamie for form.


Monday, 24 September 2007

Event for MTB

Mountain Bike Terbuka
Date: 28 October 2007
Venue: Taman Merdeka, Kangar
Telephone: 04 9778617/9853701 (Puan Rosnah)

Peluang hebat buat peminat mountain bike,perlumbaan ini bakal menyaksikan pelumba tempatan berlumba. Perlumbaan lebih sengit dengan penyertaan dari pelumba Thailand.

..from Rentak Muzik Terkini


Events for roadie

Kejohanan Basikal Terbuka Antarabangsa
Date: 25-28 October 2007
Venue: Taman Merdeka, Kangar
Telephone: 04 9778617/9853701 (Puan Rosnah)

Acara tahunan kali ke 17 ini adalah bertujuan untuk memupuk minat buat anda peminat lumba basikal.

Probably i will try racun geng SP for this event. It is OPEN category.. right!

..from Muzik Terkini


Larian Merentas Negera Antarabangsa

Date: 18 November 2007 (..not again)
Venue: Taman Perbandaran Perlis
Telephone: 04 9853701/9765966 Ms. Fadina

..from Muzik Terkini


City Run

Venue: Komtar, Penang
Date: 18 November 2007

Word by Alex after read Kwong Wah Yit Poh newspaper (City Run's sponsor). Same date with KRI 12km Road Race. Will post again if form received.
I ran once in 2005.


Friday, 21 September 2007

Genting Trailblazer

Date: 11th November 2007
Venue: Awana Genting Highland
Distance: 8km (mild) & 12km (wild)

Clash with Johor-Singapore Secondlink Intnational Marathon.


Johor - Singapore Second Link International Marathon

Date: 11th November 2007
Venue: Bandar Nusajaya, Johor
Distance: 7km, 10km, 21km and 42km.

Form available to download at Forms and Events Section (copy from


Terry Fox Run

Date: 4th November 2007
Venue: Lake Garden

Who is Terry Fox? ..and the foundation.


Thursday, 20 September 2007

Mizuno Wave Run Result

Top10 Result at


Sunday, 16 September 2007

Cabaran Cenderawasih

Cerita minggu lepas..

Click on image for reading

Those who did 12 hours or 24hours walk, mark this interesting event in your calendar. And another similar event - Dakiton Antarabangsa, Perlis on November.

Labels: ,

Friday, 14 September 2007

KRI 12km Road Race 2007

Date: 18th November 2007
Time: 7:30 am
Distance: 12km
Venue: Taman Rekreasi Sultan Abdul Aziz (Polo Ground), Ipoh

Click on image above for more detail.

One of best running events in Malaysia. Terima kasih.. not clash with Powerman. I miss this event last year because of Powerman @Lumut.

The only road race i ran during fasting month (bulan ramadhan) in 2004 and i did my 10km personal best (PB) in 2005. The PB still remain till today.

It's a must go event. You won't regret it. Trust me! (..bulan posa tak boleh cakap bohong)

..from Nazib


Powerman 2007

Date: 11 November 2007
Venue: Lumut
Long distance: Run@11km / Bike@64km / Run@10km
Sprint distance: Run@5.5km / Bike@32km / Run@5km

Click on image above for detail.
Yess.. Lumut. I love it.


Selamat Menyambut Ramadan Al-Mubarak 1428H

Saya terlebih dahulu memohon maaf jika saya ada berbuat kesalahan, baik yang tidak di sengaja maupun yang di sengaja, semoga kita dapat menjalani ibadah puasa dengan khusyuk, diberkati dan dirahmati Allah S.W.T.

Usually i like to put a target in each race such as top10, personal-best-time, fun, easy, meleleh ayeq idung or etc. It's good to have one. And i know where my direction and heading to. It's OK if not achieved it. At least i already do my best. Beside that i will learn/seek the failure causes.. probably beli kasut baru :) kaa.. need more training, panjat more bukit or do x-training.

For this coming Ramadhan..
Insyaallah.. my target, i will not tinggal any solat fardu (a must sembahyang events). FYI, muslim we have 5 praying times in a day. *Subuh@05:52am, Zohor@1:16pm, Asar@4:20pm, Magrib@7:24pm and Isya'@8:28. All the solat must perform before next solat time

*Current solat time at Zone Jerai, Kedah.

If these could achieved.. then i will celebrate a meaningful of Aidilfitri this year.

Selamat berpuasa pada kawan muslim.


Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Kayuh pi Kota Sarang Semut

Ahad 9 September, kayuh gerek dari Bedong - Gurun - Guar Chempedak - Kota Sarang Semua and pusing balik ke Bedong. Melalui jalan utama yang tak dak tol. Kali ni semua geng SP pakat ikut serta sempena minggu akhir sebelum ramadhan (bulan puasa). Semua bermula dari Dewan Kenangan di Sungai Petani. Art, Reza, Fauzi, Brahim, Rafi, Wichan kecuali aku.. tunggu depa kat Bedong.

8pagi @Bedong - depa tak sampai lagik. Aku kayuh turun ke SP cari depa kat jalan utama. Lepas tu kayuh naik balik ke Gurun. Lama dah aku tak kayuh > 2minggu. Gerek (basikal) pon belemuih (kotor). Tak basuh sejak Ujian Masa kat Penaga. Berdanoq (kotor tahap geli) gila.

Semalam team Kedah menang lawan dengan Perak. 3-0. Kedah juara Piala Malaysia. Depa sapu 3 piala dalam 1 musim. Aku yang tak minat bola pon.. boleh melangut (tengok) kat TV. Jadi pagi tu... sempena merdeka & kedah juara - aku taruh bendera kedah kat belakang gerek aku.

Tengah dok recover kayuh lepas kerabat (naik) bukit Perwaja... ada polis buat roadblock at Gurun. Depan pintu masuk ke Gunung Jerai. Cuma moto dan gerek.. polis lepas. Lelain kena hala pi jalan lain. Fuh! kami jadi raja jalan.

Sampai Guar Chempedak.. huih! ada perbarisan merdeka rupanya...

Sambung kayuh pi Kota Sarang Semut (KSS). Jalan cantek. Flat. So kami pakat-pakat tarik sorang sikit. Pekena minum pagi kat KSS. Aku tutuh teluq rebuih (telur rebus) 2 bijik then sambung kayuh.

Dari KSS ke Guar Chempedak kira-kira 18km. Mula dari KSS aku lead depa. Kayuh selow antara 25-28km/h. Perut dok penuh. Ingat dalam 15minit, aku penaik speed skit 30-32km/h. Sambil tu kalih belakang tengok kot ada kengkawan terputuih.. Cantek. Dok dalam satu line. Lepas tu.. aku penaik lagi 35-38km. Cantek. straight line.

Keadaan jalan memang cantik. Tarak lubang2 atau bonggoi2. Then aku maintain speed tak lebih, tak kurang. 35-38km/h. Semua pakat senyap. Kayuh. Kayuh. Kayuh..... agak lagi 2km nak sampai pekan Guar Chempedak.. aku taruh lagik 42-45km. Cuma Fauzi dapat ikut belakang aku. heheee..

Best betul! Dapat lead depa sampai 18km dengan speed 35-38km/h.

Lepas tu singgah pekan Bedong.. pekena Cendoi dengan kurma - Best.

- Distance 83km


Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Brooks Fun Run Series

Click here for more detail and form

Date: 4 November 2007
Venue: Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM)
Time: 7:30am

More detail, registration form and route map, click on image above.

..from Jamie Pang


Home Run

An interesting movie tonight on NTV7 at 10:30pm - Home Run.

Ah Kun, a 10-year old school boy in an old village, and his young sister, Seow Fang. Their mother is pregnant and is too weak to work; their father earns a meagre salary doing odd jobs and is behind on the rent.

Ah Kun loses his sister's shoes while running an errand. Devastated, he asks her not to tell their poverty-stricken and frustrated parents. Seow Fang will wear Ah Kun's shoes to school in the morning, then run home so that Ah Kun can go to school in the afternoon. But Seow Fang finds getting back on time rather difficult.

Complications ensue until Ah Kun comes across a cross-country race for schoolboys where the third prize is a pair of new shoes.

I don't know this movies was banned in 2003 by local government - Lagi tak sabar mau tengok.


Ringkasan minggu lepas.

Last week legs still not permitted. Unable to jump into pool for leg therapy/ swimming. Along the weekday engaged with seminar, outstation works and worked late. I bring the swimming trunk daily but.. hampeh! +my google band was burned after i left inside car in open parking. Luckily i got backup - Alauddin's.

My swimming class not end yet. Still left another 5 session. The instructor always on the fly - being a tour manager. Usually to China, Hong-Kong or Taiwan. While he not around I’m practise my freestyle. Managed to swim 2 laps (not an olympic size) before tercugap2.. Pegang tebing for afew minutes and continue another 2laps. He said i need to be more relax/lembut habis so that i could swim longer.

We manage to swim race a lap together and i left behind only his height. I know he not 100% race with me. Just swam and observed my skill. Ya.. I got speed he said. But i need to practice more for endurance. To be able sustain long hour in water. Alauddin also join the swimming class too with his girlfriend under same instructor.

My in-law who was diagnosed cancer, undergo an operation on Thursday and i had rush to Taiping to accompany her. So last week i missed all events even-though i decide to be pom2 especially 50km ultra marathon on Friday. I planned to ride and cheer-up the SP Runners veterans. On Saturday.. pom2 again the 6km Run Race at Empangan Mengkuang, Bukit Mertajam and again a miss the 3rd Larian Valdor at my kampong. She is doing well right now.

Unable to do shoes test last week, to rectify whether i have own injuries or the shoes. More than a week i'm not training or slow jog. Still felt uncomfortable when stepping on left leg. The Kayano already clean like new and I still no mood put my foot inside.

I heard really bad news/organised events lately. Really-really bad one was Larian Merdeka Darulaman Jitra. I was informed.. first prize was slash from RM1500 to RM100 only. Only 1 category - Open. Open for every ages. Women category was cancel on the race day. All the elites went back frustrated + maki seranah.

At Larian Valdor, Alex said he and his peloton :P was direct to wrong route and end-up with no top finishing. Some of 8km category runners had to run more than 11km. I thought the event would be better this year...

Probably they overlook something and hopefully they will learn from their mistakes and also runners complain.


Monday, 3 September 2007

Report: Larian Ria

The banner. Organized by MCA and BM Dam Runners Club

That's it! I give him a second chance. No more after this. But this time it will not on him. He will rest and watch his brother. It is simulation to prove whether he is culprit or i having my own injuries. Each time he caused me to rest more days until i had no mood to go out for running/training.

Yesterday (Sunday) i ran Larian Ria at Bukit Mertajam. No planning. Just went to registration booth, jot down my name, pinned the bib and line-up at starting line in-front of abandoned shopping complex.

As i remembered.. @this shopping complex, my elder brother belanja all of his brothers and sister shopping for hari raya for the first time on his first year working after went back from oversea. I got 2 pair of tee and pants.. branded. And cost him RM200-250 per person. We also bought something for our beloved mom... who couldn't came together. Buat kuih raya - arrrrk.. make me start to meleleh ayeq mata.

Ok!. While waiting for flag-out, i was approached by one regular blog visitors - Zainol who worked at Penang. Glad to know he and his friends join this race because of form @my blog.

Another one.. a young guy but he didn't mention his name.

Since Larian Jerai 2 week ago.. I just doing once training run on last sunday - <8km. After that he caused me to rest the whole week.

First km after flag-off, legs still ok. I could felt.. free from any uncomfortable. My running was smooth. We run through Bukit Mertajam town. Traffic smooth. Probably it was Sunday and early morning. But weather - not promising.

15min of running.. body felt exhausted, legs getting tired. Strangely I was thinking to pinned out the bib# and u-turn - walk back to starting line. Start car engine and balik. Really!. 90% of my physical support it but 10% of kepala hotak decline.

Heavily rain start pouring down while taking a U-turn route. Shoes getting heavy. Can't control the legs/steps and ran into pool of water on the road although I had seen/aware of it before.

More runners sayur me back. I know I'm too slow. Not on par and I could not increase pace anymore. @Sekolah Kim Sen... i could not tahan. I stop. And walk – WALK!!.

It only 30mins of running and my left leg hurt badly especially my calf. Two runners sayur me while walking - Pundek.

For me.. once walking. It always run-walk-run-walk until finish line. seem that it's 8km run event, so by <10mins i should reach the finish line. Slowly I decide to start run w/out walking. Trying to chase the two runners in-front

Overtook one @Hospital. Still raining. Had to run thru cars while heading to Balai Polis. The front runnner still running strong. Last corner @Post Office, 200m more to finish line he speeding. Create more gap between us but suddenly he start walking. Tunggu lagik?!... potong lar...

And they gave me position card - 10th. Wuhooo!

Lucky me. It was last medal for Open category. Probably pm1 said was right, the der_pacemaker vest that I worn bring me a good luck. Same situation happen to me at Joy Run @Penang. Anyway.. there were no kakis. Some of them went to Penang for Larian Mesra Tanjong and the locals elite went to KL.

While waiting for medal ceremony.. I'm sitting alone. Mulut muncung. I was thinking about my left leg and Kayano. What was wrong on my running just now. Is it my kaki?.. but I could walk/warm-up free w/o injuries before flag-off. Is it the Kayano?.. hey! This is the best running shoes. OK! and i still hutang for it.

Itu medal nasib baik saja. If everything was ok.. I should done better.

I will do another test next week. A test, whether my leg or shoes. I will run Larian Valdor with Pegasus 2005. Same simulation like last week - No training run this week and 3 times jump into pool.

Hopefully injury free by Sunday.

Early morning. Pasukan Rela line-up to control the traffic.

At starting and finish line. Waiting for flag-off

Camera-women tak mai. @Finish line.

Another der_pacemakers member behind?

@Finish line

@Finish line

Infront of abandoned shopping complex

Last straight <200meter

Lucky draw. Motocycle, TV x 3, washing machine, MTB but none of them was mine

Milo lorry

Top3 women categories

Alex won 2nd in veteran

10th. Lucky me.

Top3 Men categories

I have seen his name everywhere. @PM1, @ZulAzlan, running results. Very fast. Thought to meet him someday and today is the day. Hamidon Mat Aris. Who approached me before flag-off. Came all the way from Putrajaya by motocycle!

Full result for each category.
Click on the image for larger view.

Category A and B

Category C and D

Category E and F

Finishers sequence

1st - 62th and 63th - 130th
Actually i was 26th. The 26th on the paper was 25th. - Tertukaq.
