Run. Mix. Burn!

Monday, 31 December 2012

Run For Hope 2013

Date: 03 February 2013 | 3:00pm | Sunday
Venue: Bintang Megamall, Miri, Sarawak
Distance: 5km
Contact: or 016-8721225

Registration fee is RM20 and you can run, walk, bike, roller-blade or running with your pet. Currently no detail and registration available. Will post again once I got updated.


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Friday, 28 December 2012

Larian Tahun Baru 1Malaysia

Date: 31 December 2012 | Monday | 6:00am
Venue: Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur
Distance: 5km

More detail and registration form here.

..Berita Harian.

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Thursday, 27 December 2012

Larian Rakyat Hulu Kelang-Bukit Antarabangsa 2012

Date: 30 December 2012 | Sunday | 7:00am
Venue: Tapak Pasar Malam Ukay Perdana
Distance: ?
Contact: 0192676625 | 0122938656

More detail and registration form at website above.

..from Aiman Cheah

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Report: Healthy Bone for Life Walkathon

By Aiman Cheah

Venue: KLCC Park (Menara ExxonMobil external car park)
Date: 16 December 2012 (Sunday)
Time: 7.30 a.m
Distance: 4km

I knew about the event a week before. It was past the closing date. However, I enquired but did not get any confirmation of acceptance. I took my children there because there was a colouring contest after the walkathon.

The children were lucky because they still got the walkathon t-shirt. The attendance was not very good although it was a free event.

The event was well organized. There were a lot of St John members along the 4km route. There were also refreshements for participants after the walk.

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Larian Belia Selangor

Date: 29 December 2012 | 8:00am
Venue: i-City, Shah Alam
Distance: ?
Contact: Shahrul Nizam 019-3479662

..Irmohizam turut memberitahu, selain MBS Job Fair, MBS turut menganjurkan Larian Belia Selangor yang juga bertempat di i-City pada 29 Disember ini dengan acara pelepasannya bermula pukul 8 pagi.

"Larian ini terbuka kepada golongan belia di Selangor dan tarikh tutup penyertaan adalah pada 28 Disember ini. 500 peserta yang awal mendaftar akan diberikan t-shirt, handband, button batch, cabutan bertuah serta percuma untuk masuk ke i-City," katanya.

Tambahnya, sebarang pertanyaan boleh diajukan kepada Shahrul Nizam 019-3479662 selaku urusetia Larian Belia Selangor.

More news from Utusan Malaysia.

..from Aiman Cheah

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Friday, 21 December 2012

Report: 1Malaysia 1km Walk 2012

By Aiman Cheah

Date: 9 December 2012 | Sunday | 7.00am
Venue: Dataran Putrajaya, Putrajaya
Distance: 1km

Boys under 12 years old: Akmal Cheah - 13th
Girls under 12 years old: Afiqah Cheah - 11th

Detailed results at

My children only 'trained' for two days. It is best to blame the weather because it never failed to rain in the late afternoon.

When I went to Putrajaya, I just wanted them to enjoy the walk. Only 15 finisher medals were offered and I told them just to aim for the 15th position. Both were lucky because only 16 boys and 17 girls registered for the events.

Akmal was likely to miss the medal because lacking in focus. He was not only last in the JDP programme for the past two years but a good 200m or more behind the second last participant.

Akmal at the start

I broke the rule this time as I paced him after the start. He was very excited because this was the first time I paced him in an event. I asked him to slow down as I was sure he would run of steam at such a demanding pace for him. He never had train at that kind of pace.

He was last before half way but slowly and steadily closed the gap and overtook 3 participants. Well, the boys were of his age too. As long as one was far behind, the medal was secured. With about 30 meteres to go, I left him. He did lose focus and slowed down and almost being overtaken.

Akmal barely ahead at the finishing line

The next start was for the girls. I felt Afiqah would have a more difficult task as she had to be ahead of two participants. She started fast and I had to slow her down. It was better to keep a steady pace. I paced her at a comfortable pace for her. She did well, probably encouraged by her brother's performance earlier.

After half way, her position was already secured so long as she could keep up with her slow and steady pace. Akmal followed her in the last 300 metres although my wife had asked him not to walk with Afiqah. Of course he was slower because he did not run...

Afiqah already 10-15m behind right after the start

Afiqah towards the finishing line.

The real reward was not the finisher medals but to 'balik kampung' after the event.

Pictures courtesy of racewalker malaysia. And more news on 12-hour walk in StarMetro.

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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Quote Of The Day

No matter how old I get, the race remains one of life's most rewarding experiences.

- George Sheehan


Report: Chardikala Run

By Aiman Cheah

Date: 2 December 2012 | Sunday | 5.15pm
Venue: Astaka Field, Petaling Jaya
Distance: 5km
Time / Position: not recorded

This is the first time running during late afternoon and in the drizzle too.  It is the second experience that I was not aware of the flag off. The first one was during IOI Community Run some time in 2005, if I am not mistaken.  Unfortunately both events are co-ordinated by the Selangor AA.

Flag off by Fauja Singh

I was talking with my ex-colleague near the starting line but both of us were unaware that the participants had started.  The mc asked why we were not running.  I thought the flag off was for the junior and men's category.  The entry says event time was 5.15pm and at the participants were let off much earlier.  I thought there were staggered start!

As I just went for fun, timing was not important.  I just followed the crowd and slowly overtaking them at a relaxing pace.  I could not go any faster as I only walked 4.2km thrice a week.

It was a well-organized event despite the not so good flag off.  The MC should be more aware of this problem next time.

There were plenty of food after the event - similar to those Thai events. Akmal took two vegetarian curry puffs.  The spice must be appetizing for him.

Thinking that Fauja was not there, I decided to go home early as I was afraid that there would be another round of heavy downpour.

Mr Jesmail Singh with Fauja

Pictures courtesy of Chardikala Run facebook and more news in the TheStar.

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Monday, 17 December 2012

Result: Penang Round The Island Result 2012

Official result from Mr.YuSong/PAAA. For more detail timing and team click here.


Report Batik Fun Walk

By Aiman Cheah

Date: 18th November 2012 | Sunday | 8:00am
Venue: MaTIC, Jalan Ampang
Distance: 3.4km

At RM10 for registration fee (complimentary sarong), it is a cheap event for a family outing. More of a fun morning exercise. For the creative ones, they may win some prizes - best dressed. Those who are not so creative also stand a chance to win lucky draw prizes.

The goodie bags were good too, for after event - muffin, bread and mineral water. There were 2 copies of Upin & Ipin magazines - albeit old issues to us occupied while waiting for the lucky draw.

News report on the event was in StarMetro on 21 November 2012. The online version has less pictures.

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Monday, 10 December 2012

Quote Of The Day

Run often and run long, but never outrun your joy of running.

- Julie Isphording, retired American long distance runner


Result: Valdor Run 2012

An official result in word-pdf format. As I could saw, this year more than 1,000 runners joined. Thumb-up!

E-mailed by Mr.Garry Pang.


Friday, 7 December 2012

New Year Run 2013

Date: 01  January 2013 | 7:00 | Tuesday
Venue: Stadium Mini Taman Keladi, Kulim, Kedah
Distance: 5km, 10km and 21km
Contact: 012-4263619, 0164637082

Emmm...I think this event is for fun, not a well plan. Not suitable for serious runners. As I understand by registration form, offer only 3 categories. 5km for 17yrs below - boy or girl... i do not know. 10km for women and 21km for men. No age boundaries.

+ no category option on registration form?

Detail and registration form at Form and Events section.

..from AlexOng

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Quote Of The Day

Do not fear going forward slowly, fear only to stand still.

- Chinese Proverb


Thursday, 6 December 2012

Merentas Desa Terbuka POWP KL

Date: 20 January 2013 | Sunday | 7:30am
Venue: Taman Botani Tasik Perdana (Tapak C), Kuala Lumpur
Distance: 8.2km, 6.2km and 3km

Offer free t'shirt and limited finisher medals by categories.

Detail registration and map available at Forms and Events section

..from Aiman Cheah

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8km Charity Run 2012

Dear Valued Racers, Friends, Runners, Triathletes, athletes

We would like to invite you to join our 8km Charity Run 2012 as follows :-

Event: 8km Charity Run 2012
Date: 23rd December 2012
Time: 7.30 am
Venue: Pusat Bandar Pasir Gudang (Menara Aqabah)
* Collection of race pack on 22nd December 2012

We encourage you to register ONLINE to avoid any dispute.  If you're not familiar with the online system you also may used the entry form attached and fax it to us or scanned email to us for race lists compilation and please call the undersigned.

Online Registration :
Fax: 07-2323691

Cash prizes and lots of lucky draw prizes to be won

Yours In Health

Mahdhir 'dale' Mohd
Event Director


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Monday, 3 December 2012

Report: 1st Thung Wang Mini Marathon

Date: 11 November 2012 | Sunday | 7am (Malaysia time)
Venue: Thung Wang, Songkhla, Thailand
Distance: 10.5km | 7th
Time: 23.58 + 24.46 = 49.03mins

Sebaik habis minum milo bercawan-cawan di Tanjung 10km, kita-orang berkemas-kemas bergerak keluar dari Pulau Pinang menuju ke Songkhla, Thailand. Cuti akhir tahun sekolah dah bermula hari ini, jadi esok bebudak boleh join lari sekali dalam kategori mereka sendiri.

Destinasi larian kali ini di daerah Thung Wang. Kira-kira 10km dari pekan Songkhla. Sampai jam 6ptg. Agak lewat tiba sebab singgah banyak tempat untuk sembahyang dan makan di Hatyai.

Lokasi Thung Wang Mini Marathon memang kampung habis. Naik cuak aku cari tempat pendaftaran. Nasib baik tanya orang sambil tunjuk borang larian depa tau. Tu pon terpaksa guna bahasa isyarat - silang jari sebagai simpang jalan.

Macam biasa, depa jamu nasi dan pelbagai juadah bagi meraikan peserta pada petang hari pendaftaran. Dewan juga disediakan pada sesiapa berhasrat untuk bermalam di tempat larian. Kat aku pon depa offer, tapi aku tolak.

Kali ini cuma aku dan Alauddin ambil bahagian. Jasmin - demam sejak 2 hari lepas. Selesai pendaftaran kita-orang kembali semula ke Songkhla untuk bermalam.

Ahad - 6:45am @Thung Wang.

Bermula jam 7am. Cuaca pagi tu agak sejuk dan lembab... cukup layan blues. Warm-up pon liat.

7:10am Peserta dilepaskan dengan ketukan gong. Berlari melalui kawasan perkampungan dan sawah padi. Jarak larian ditanda setiap 1km. Pada 4km kitaorg masuk jalan kecil ( 1 laluan). Masuk kawasan kebun getah di kiri dan kanan.

Pada 5km, kitaorg lari masuk kawasan hutan dimana laluan larian sesuai untuk motosikal. Cuma 500meter aja, kemudian U-turn. Kembali ke kawasan perkampungan yang lain. Berlari melalui rumah2 penduduk tempatan dan sawah padi. Kaki masih cantek walaupun kelmarin dah layan Tanjung 10km dan klac kereta... Sempat sayur balik yang dihadapan sambil menikmati suasana perkampungan siam, hingga ke garisan penamat.

Dapat tempat ke 7. Cukop syiok... 10.5km bawah 50mins. Gumbira habih. Naik pentas terima beg kecik... memang aku memerlukan beg macam tuh..

Alauddin dapat penamatkan 4km. Dapat medal. Dia pon seronok, tambah plak dapat minum bergelen-gelen air karbonat.

Sebelum balik, kitaorg pi Songkhla dan Hatyai untuk beli buah tangan sikit (perabih diuit siam sebenarnya)

Sabtu 10Nov@6pm (Malaysia time)

Kenduri makan malam

Ahad 11NOv


Air karbonat

Top finishers



Makan pagi lepas lari. Jenuh.

