Run. Mix. Burn!

Friday, 30 July 2004

Sh*t laa..

I'm been assigning to do company improvement program for 3 months. The worst thing is need to do full time, all my current jobs/tasks had delegate to other teammates. This program and instructor came from main-company from KL which is focus to improve company performance and also find any non-revenue activities and resources.. and also unproductive staff... SH*T!.. Hate to do task which treatend ourself and other person.

But, what i hate most is, the activities take-up my off-working hour.. no time to run training... start work 7:30am and went home 7-8pm... for 3 month! Su*k!!. By time sampai rumah.. sudah exhausted!

My left leg pun sudah okay sikit... Nearly a month not doing any run training since Jogathon at Kelab Cinta Sayang, badan pun sudah rasa tak sedap... tak keluar peluh.. Hopefully 100% recover before Sept04 ni. I'm a running addict!

Sunday, 25 July 2004

Report: Ipoh Star Walk

Wow! a family pic in The Star, Monday 26 April 2004. Metro Section, Page 4!

The first Star Walk in Ipoh 25th April 2004

It's my second run/walk event after IPBR 2003 in Penang & first-time joining StarWalk. After wife give birth to Jasmin in July, i had to slow-down running activities. Just jog around taman. Saw an advertisement on local newspaper for Ipoh StarWalk and knowing that, it was a fun walk over 5km, so quickly register and include my wife. In first stage my mother/father in-law also want to join, but had to canceled last minute. Luckly not post registeration form yet. Save my RM10. Reason why doing StarWalk, coz to let my wife feel how seronok/excited entering running event. Before, she always bising2 when i out for training after come back from office. Seem this is the only fun-walk event, so decided to join with whole family.

Main title in The Star 26th April 2004, Metro Section, Page 4

Reach ipoh a day before and collect goodies and t'shirt at TheStar office. They were amazed coz, we were coming along the way from Gurun, Kedah and register for whole family. "Just take care your family, there will be huge crowded out there tommorrow morning" said one of staffs, before left the office.

Stay at FairPark Hotel after hours looking for lodging. Night, drive around Ipoh town and enjoy night scenery. Had dinner near GeorgeTown shopping complex. Kids already mengantuk lohh...

Smile! You're in The Star!Ipoh StarWalk morning, decide to start behind the crowded with kid stroller for Jasmin (she still sleep). After flag off, wait for 2-3 mins let the crowded go first. Just a few metres walking, came a reporter and snap us photos. He asking for name and age.. Fuh!.. sure esok pagi masuk paper punya.. My wife sudah seronok, she pull the stroller and i'm walking with Alauddin. Masuk 1km mark, Alauddin sudah meragam.. dia suruh dukung plak.. ingat dukung-jalan okay laa.. at last along 4km i had to dukung him until finish line.. huyooo.. patah pinggang huh!

Along the fun-walk, can see alot kind of people entering the walk. Ada blind person who accompany by his best-friend. Ada disable people with no hand & leg. Ada disable kids in stroller pull by his father. Ada a very2 old veteran,i guess around 80-85 old and i see him again in Ipoh International Run. Fuh!.. really amazing. Along the way we were chit-chat with others. Say hi there, there and there... Half route, i left my wife and speed-up my walking pace dengan dukung Alaudin on my back until cross finish line.

Just before my wife reach finish line, a reporter came and take a few photo of them (wife +Jasmin.. she still sleep). I can see she so happy.. yeelaa.. a press tangkap gambor, sapa tak gumbira... Had breakfast at car and wait for unlucky draw... ceh tak dapat pun althought ada sampai 5 lucky number.. Back to hotel, pack and take-off to Gurun. Need to take/buy an MC for my wife, dia tuang sekolah...

Report: Abdul Haris Shariff
Date: 25 July, 2004

Thursday, 15 July 2004

Happy Birthday & Farewell

Yesterday (14th July) was my wife HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Cikgu Rozie. Thanks alot for giving a support all this while. Thanks for taking care of kids while i'm running; act as water station & provide drinks while running training; be a photographer to snap during running; being a coach; lift me up while i'm in pain - Thank You.. semoga murah rezeki & we're happy ever after.

And today, farewell wish to good friend of mine. Mr. Wan Ahmad Fairuz Wan Mohd Shariff. Dia balik kampung kat Terengganu. Sure offer lebih punya... Anyway good luck mate! Keep in touch.

Wednesday, 14 July 2004

Report: Jogathon "Hidup Sihat"

Wake-up late this morning, after had breakfast-fast, quickly pack my running gears and head to Sungai Petani with motorbike. Home to KCS is not far, takes about 15mins with top-speed 280km/h. Try that.. and you will be flying...haha!

Fuhhh...sejuk. Bila nak start nihh

Look around, there not many participants, can say less than 200. Maybe public not well informed. Along the way to KCS, didn't saw any banner or heard any announcement about the jogathon. They not doing enough promotion, even in entrance of KCS the banner just up early this morning.. patut laa.. tarak sambutan. With situation like this may be any event's organizer pikir 9-10 kali or more utk buat running event or jogathon in Sungai Petani. As my experience, this is my first time jog/run in Sungai Petani.

Anyway, my target just an easy run with comfortable pace coz my left leg still under-recover. Just put alot of Sloan's cream half of pack to ease the aching during warm-up. Before flag-off, all of us had to do senam-robik first. OK laa.. can say fun la coz most of participant were primary school with loud music + hits songs.. laugh alot with senam-robik style.

Ceepaat Ikut saya lagu ni.. 6..7..8 lapan lagi.. 1.. 2.. 3..

7:45am after 20mins senam-robik, flag off for A category (cat)and then B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J... Z. Haha! just until D only, for golden age men/women cat. My category is C Open Male. Not many runners in C cat, less than 30. The route is from KCS to Clock Tower, by pass General Hospital, SP Plaza and turn back to KCS. Roads were already buzy by that time. Once i was nearly accident by inpatient drive, although ada traffic police.

5km, turn at Sungai Petani Clock Tower built in 1936 and my time was 24:57:70. Take a rubber band and my left leg start gave me a problem tambah pulak running on hilly road. 3 runners make me feel like sayur taugeh. 7km, stop at water station and continue slow pace... until 9km mark kenot tahan the pain. One of women cat runner try to cheer and push me to continue running - thanks!. 9km - 10km just walk-run. Enter the KCS guard-post, about 400m more so speed-up as i can until finishing line. Pheeeww! 52:01:86, ingat boleh pecah 10km PR... just 30sec++.

Nasib baik bebudak ramai... meriah sikit Finish Line
The Winners are... Pool.. full of kids

Report by Abdul Haris
Date: 14 Julai 2004

Monday, 12 July 2004

Not free anymore

From CyberTarp Free Pay Image Hosting.

Over the past several months, this free picture hosting service has grown tremendously. Unfortunately, the popularity has attracted many people set on abusing our services. Because of these unscrupulous people, we are very sorry to announce that we are unable to continue to run our free picture gallery. We can keep the gallery up for another month (until Friday, August 7, 2004) to give all of our users time to make other arrangements. If you would like to continue to use us as your picture host, we have created a special picture hosting package only available to our loyal gallery members HERE. Make sure to tell us your gallery username when you sign up and we'll give you free service until September 7, 2004 and transfer all of your pictures and albums to your new account. Please contact if you have any questions.

We are sorry to see the site go especially under these circumstances. We wish everyone the best of luck and hope everybody finds a suitable alternative. If you are only interested in free picture hosting, we will post some links to reputable companies on this page.

Free web host links:

Saturday, 10 July 2004

After finish Jogathon

After finish Jogathon terus to office. Nobody at home, wife ada meeting at school, Jasmin & Alauddin send to pengasuh & taska. Update my weblog for Ipoh Int Run Report and upload pics that i taken on Jogathon.

Along the way, keep thinking of Seremban Half.. to go or not, to go or not. Looking at my left leg, still not fully recover and another 10k today.. ouuch! really hurt. Should rest for 2-3 weeks.

Surf the net, check Seremban half info.. Expected more than 8,000 for 17th Seremban Half Run. Wow! so crowded man. A strategic place in southern region and the 17th Seremban Half sure they have popularity and a lot of promotion. So (no May be) next year will be join and grab the one of the medals.

Evening 4:30pm, went to Bandar Laguna Merbok (BLM) with family for a swimming. Having fun with ourself as we were buzy along the weeks and forget about time for kids.

Friday, 9 July 2004

Report: Ipoh International Run 04

Reach ipoh at 2:30pm, then straight to MBI to collect bib no & t'shirt. They do not mention where to collect it in replied letter, luckily it was correct place as i'm not very familiar with Ipoh roads.

Up to 2nd floor, there was a long queue for 1/2M and nobody lining-up in Women and Quarter category. Try to register at free booth. Can not!, they don't have a list for Male Open 1/2M.. cheeehh!

1/2 hour.. a lot of people start mumbling, the line not even move. Org depan register lebih dari 10 entries.. patut laaa... Then MBI's pic, shout for 2nd lane, quickly run infront. 5mins later baru dapat.. After registered, saw a Nestle PowerBar outlet. First time jumpa this stuffs as i hardly find for this nutrition thru-out penang.. tarak... so bought some extra for stock and get free PowerBar drinking bottle.

+ + =

D day, wake up early 4:30am, after finish breakfast with buns wait for a while ..wait...wait.....waaaitt OK! A calling that I waiting for.. from a nature! good!.. rush to bathroom throw everything...

6:15am reach at Dataran, put a running shoes and have a PowerBar. Went to booth to register and collect waist band.. they gave a cable tight...gilaa.. silap tarik... memang tak boleh buka punya... There was an accident after running, my son found unused cable tight and put inside his waist and tight until his palm become red. Luckily i have a tool box in car.

Runing in Ipoh is okay... road are flat and policemen control the traffic. Start running from back of the crowded with slow pace. Chit-chat with others runners. Skip 1st water station as i boleh tahan lagi... 2nd water station, wrap the power gel. First time makan this stuff... yurrrkkk.. nasib baik ada bau strawberry... makan separuh..ajer. May be terkejut first time makan.. Cross 12km mark and noticed my timed 1:09mins. Not bad! 10km below an hour. Ehhh.. at this time, Arul Thevar (1/2M winner) sudah habih lari loooo...

My left start cramp feeling aching. Put some Sloan Cream before running so not feeling the pain too much as that cream kasi panas my left leg. My body & mind telling me to increase the pace but my left leg... ayooooo. So just an easy pace until 19km mark, by pass FairPark Hotel. Kaki sudah teruk and urat kepala pun sudah tarik. I can't pusing my head just look infront or else if i want to look right, i need to turn my body also. Huyooo... never feel this before.

Crossing finish line with new PR!That time cuma walk-run. After by-pass last junction about 800 metre from finish line... tak boleh tahan... need to finish it fast... so i speed-up and manage to potong 3 person in same category. And saw my family waiting beside finish line... full speed... and phheww.. my watch showed 2:12:12 oraiitt... new PR! and take a position card... 206th Wuuhoo! entitle for a medal!.

Takes this cert. and wait for Mr. Postman.. OK! Nexxxttt.. Can’t wait to see the medal look like…after drink-up 100Plus x 4 cups and went to medal booth. There, I was informed to fill-in postal address as the medals are out of stock. They will be sent to you by post. What??!!.. In the entry form clearly state that medal will be give to the first 300th those who finish within 150mins. How come it becomes shortage in International level event?. Looking around… a lot of runners very disappointed and some of them can’t control their anger and had no choice just write down their address. Before leave the medal booth “Macam mana saya nak tau MBI confirm akan pos medal ni?”. “Kita akan pos!” said one of MBI staffs.

Hopefully Mr. Postman will be deliver an Ipoh Medal to my home…
Believe It or Not!®.. Believe it!..

Haris dah habih lari dah kot... Yeeeehaaaaa...
Sorry Jasmin, no medal for your birthday! Sapa nak lari dgn ayah esok?
Hang kena practice lagi, Haris! Jom main bola..HAAAAHHHHh..
Power Girl: Rasa lain niii.. Susu ke? Power Girl: Ceeehhh..ayeq kosong!

Report by: Abdul Haris
Date: 9 July, 2004

Thursday, 8 July 2004

Report: Larian Bendang 04

Organized by Yayasan Sultanah Bahiyah (Sultanah’s Kedah Charity Foundation). Heard about Organized by Yayasan Sultanah Bahiyah (Sultanah’s Kedah Charity Foundation). Heard about poor organize since last year Larian Bendang 2003. Anyway my conclusion after finished, the event is well organize. Start sharp at 0700H. School cat. start at 0730H and heard 2 buses load with school children can’t join coz late. 2 water stations, think enough for me and marshal on every junction plus a policemen. The main event in Hari Penyayang is jualan lelong for datuk2 and datin to bid for Sultan’s Kedah stuffs such as watches, portraits, golf sets and etc laa…

A bit of Larian Bendang (sawah or paddy field) at Alor Setar. It’s a unique track, the route cover town, paddy field, batas bendang and kampung2.. running early morning thru paddy field fuhhh… very ra’lik (asyik). Tarik nafas pun…. Rasa clean oksigen masuk dlm lungs.. and then can see a group burung bangau (I guest..) terbang dan cuaca pun redup + hujan renyai sikit….

Run with my new partner, which baru jumpa masa starting line… he is retire army. Just register 5mins before starting time… huh! Macam ni pun ada… Anyway we were jog together & chat. Until ½ hours he slow his run… try to push him to follow my pace… but dia suruh saya pi dulu… dia nak slow jog.. so I start vroom seem only both us as I can see is running. Next runner in-front of me.. may be ½ km.. Belakang sudah tak nampak org. Speed-up my pace and able to potong 4 org…

On 15km… masih lari atas jalan tar… suddenly sampai satu simpang sorang marshal tunjuk arah bendang… What!!! Lari atas batas kaaa???… mau tanya pun mulut sudah kering…. “Air tarak ka?”… “Depan!”.. “Tarak nampak pun?”… “DEPANNN!” huh.. garang gila marshal.. Lari atas batas… waaahhhaa… lecah! tambah pulak semalam ada hujan & batu2 punya byk.. huhuuuu.. habis kasut aku… After 17km baru ada 2nd water station… depa kasi air & cap.. baru nak bagi cap ka?.. buat kacau saja… so taruk dlm seluar laaa…

Behind ada sorang untie (think she Thainese) we’re running together for 2km.. sometime she cuba potong, I ligan balik, I potong, dia ligan… at last sudah pancit loooo.. so terpaksa mengalah… kasi dia pi dulu… (lady first…).. then baru habis track batas… masuk small road dlm kampung… fuhh… lega… kaki pun sudah cramp… just slow jog. Budak2 kampung start cheering… huhahaaa… byk bagus laa… kasi moral support…

Sudah 2km slow jog.. ehhh.. bila mau sampai ni…. Then sorang villages jerit “Cepat lagi 300meter lagi” hah!!!… mana itu stadium? Tarak nampak pun…. Oo rupa2nya kampung tu sebelah stadium… Can’t see stadium coz rumah rapat2… so apa lagi Vrrrrooommmm potong 2 org… and finally dapat crossing finish line.. with 2:12:29. Waahh… so good laaa.. after my last 21km at Penang Bridge 2003… 30mins earlier

Report by AHaris Shariff
Date: 10 June 2004

Friday, 2 July 2004

Ipoh International Run 2004

This is my second internationl run after PBR 2003, first time for IIR 2004 and second time running in Ipoh. Last, was StarWalk in April04. No target for breaking personal record, my left leg still aching since 4 weeks ago. This week able to do 8km only and takes a few days to recover before IIR 2004. Hopefully able to cross finishing line within time frame and grab a medal for 21km.

Stay in Fair Park hotel, cheapest and nearby Dataran Ipoh.. the start and finish point. Plan to meet-up with some friends from KL those who are der_pacemaker group. May be on Sunday morning before or after running.

My mother & father in-law also come. So kena booking family suite laa..

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    Thursday, 1 July 2004

    Register Free Webspace

    Register a few free webhost and webspace to upload image and link to here ( Seem my company restricted ftp protocol, so another option is to upload thru browser. These webhosts contain image and index files only. Too lazy to revoked web development skill. Sudah dah tinggal lorr..

    Register 2 webhosts

    1. An image from Snapped at Taiping Lake Garden in 2001. Allaudin was 1 years plus. Pi mengail kat tasik masa Pertandingan Memancing. Tak masuk pun... cuma curi-curi pancing.

    2. An image from A photo taken in 1998 at Sungai Petani. Still bachelor that time. Working at home, developed a system for JK Air Kedah Tengah. = 15MB = 50MB
    Total webspace = 75MB
    Ok.. la tu.

    Seremban Half.. cancel

    Last 2 days, received a payment receipt from Seremban Half organizer. Decide to cancel seem my left leg still aching. Already 2 weeks not running. Huh! can not tahan laaa.. hujan since Friday, continuously and also Ipoh Run just around the corner, so yesterday go out and do easy pace for 8km, managed to finish in 45:27. At least increased my confident level to do 21km.

    Today, bangun pagi.. Waa.. lagi sakit.. jalan pun macam orang patah kaki. Think, my left betis got problem la.. almost a month and meet 2 doctors and still feel pain after doing easy pace.. Hopefully dapat recover fast before this weekend coz very kempunan Ipoh Int. Run medal.

    Jogathon "Hidup Sihat"

    Captured a brochure of Jogathon at notice board in the office. Organise by one of the famous golf resort in Sungai Petani, Kelab Cinta Sayang (KCS).

    Jogathon "Hidup Sihat"
    Date: July, 10th 2004
    Start time: 6:30am
    09yr - 12yr = 4km
    13yr - 18yr = 10km
    19yr - 40yr = 10km
    40yr - above = 4km
    Prize: 1st, 2nd and 3rd (Money,Medal & Cert)
    Tel: 04-441466 ext 124

    Route: From Kelab Cinta Sayang to Sg. Petani Clock tower and return back.

    Near to my house, about 15mins. Kena pi nihhh...